Sunday, December 7, 2008

National DAPSY Congress… Thanks for your support!

The National DAPSY Congress had been concluded. I reached here back to Ipoh at around 10.10 pm and immediately had to rush over for my friend’s brother weddings. It was too tired after got back from the wedding dinner and unable to blog immediately.

Thanks to the support of the DAPSY delegates and I managed to pull a total 100 votes and become the Vice-Chairman of National DAPSY. I have received a lot of congratulation-message from all of you, but there is one important thing to be in mind, the higher position will connote the heavier responsibility.

Special thanks to the delegates from Perak who had come al the way down to Kuala Lumpur to lend me the necessary support. Also special thanks to Uncle Lee and Mr. Shum who had contributed towards the travelling cost of the Ipoh delegates.

Let us, the newly elected DAPSY Committee, strive our best to serve the nation, party and people better.

1 comment:

  1. Hi YB Wong,

    Congratulations to you, and the new DAPSY team...

    I think the congress exposes the weak organizational strength of DAPSY, the shaky role of DAPSY in the party, as well as the country, and perhaps the fading ideology that DAPSY together with DAP is holding...

    I think the new team should work exceptionally hard, in changing the DAPSY...

    and for that, I wish you good luck... ;)
