Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nizar v Zambry

The Federal Court dismissed Nizar's application for a 11 panel. Proceed to hear the case with 5 panel.


Meanwhile, i met Kpt. (R) Osman (Changkat Jering) at the Session Court this morning while i was passing by him. He said hi "hello, how are you bro..." i really do not know what to answer apart from my usual reply "fine" with my thumb's up. i am not taking things too personal on him, i can be closed to any Barisan's counterpart, but yet, he has betrayed the People's mandate...

1 comment:

  1. YB,

    It's actually Nizar vs. the superly-biased judiciary. A judiciary that has lost my total respect.

    With Nizar's applicaton for a 11-judge panel rejected, that's a not a good start at all. And I'm surprised to read that this case will be decided by today. I'm not an expert in law, but isn't this a bit too fast track? Gee...

    I read somewhere that even if Nizar gets reinstated to be MB and if HRH Sultan Perak still refuses to dissolve the assembly, PR is back to square one. Zombie and gang will seek a vote of no confidence against Nizar. I hope PR is prepared to to deal with this.

    Good luck to Nizar and PR today. The thought of seeing that "self-proclaimed" Obama/Gandhi/Mandela man on TV claiming "victory" in this case makes me sick to my core.
