(i) 3名顾问的委任究竟是根据哪一项法律?
(ii) 委任的原因和目的;
(iii) 涉及的俸禄,包括薪水、津贴以及其他的便利;
(iv) 委任所带来利益、以及是否有委任的必要。
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negeri Perak
Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negeri Perak (Public Account Committee- PAC) telah mengadakan mesyuarat kami pada 27.02.2009 pukul 4.30 petang di Bilik Mesyuarat Kewangan Negeri, Bangunan Kerajaan Negeri Perak.
Negeri Perak kini sedang mengalami satu krisis politik yang serious, yang mana telah menyebabkan banyak isu menjadi tidak tentu. Secara spesifiknya, Barisan Nasional telah mengisytiharkan mereka sebagai Kerajaan Negeri Perak yang baru dengan YB Zambry sebagai Menteri Besar manakala pihak Pakatan Rakyat pula berpegang kepada pendirian bahawa mereka masih Kerajaan yang sah atas sebab-sebab tertentu khasnya berlandaskan Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri Perak.
PAC tidak akan mempersoalkan siapa yang betul dan siapa yang salah dalam perkara ini. Sebagai satu Jawatankuasa yang ditubuhkan di bawah Perintah 70 Perintah-Perintah Tetap DUN Perak, PAC mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk memastikan semua wang yang diperuntukkan dan dibayar dalam suatu keadaan dan suasana berkrisis ini adalah berpatutan dan berlandaskan undang-undang dan prosidur.
Jawatankuasa kami telah berpendapat dua perkara penting harus ditangani.
(a) Pelantikan Penasihat-Penasihat kepada YB Zambry dan Ketua Penerangan Negeri
Pertama, PAC akan mempersoalkan pelantikan 3 orang “penasihat“ iaitu En. Chang Ko Youn, En. Veerasingham, YB Najmuddin kepada YB Zambry dan Ketua Penerangan Negeri YB Hamdi dari beberapa sudut.
Dalam konteks ini, PAC telah mengambil pengetahuan bahawa ketiga-tiga “penasihat” telah dilaporkan mempunyai status EXCO seperti yang diumumkan. PAC berpendapat bahawa ia adalah sesuatu yang amat luar biasa kerana ia sememangnya akan melibatkan wang Rakyat yang besar dan suatu penyoalan dan penyiasatan harus dijalankan untuk menjawab soalan-soalan berikut:-
(i) Apakah dasar undang-undang berkenaan dengan pelantikan tersebut;
(ii) Apakah rasional dan tujuan pelantikan?
(iii) Apakah emolument yang dibayar termasuk gaji, elaun, kemudahan dan lain-lain
(iv) Apakah manfaat dan samaada perlunya pelantikan tersebut.
Kedudukan dua orang bukan ADUN dilantik untuk menerajui jawatan “penasihat” dan kelayakan kedua-dua ADUN sebagai Ahli Pentadbiran Negeri amatlah diragui.
(b) Kedudukan YB Mohd Nizar sebagai MB dan EXCO Pakatan Rakyatnya dan YB Zambry sebagai MB dan EXCO Barisan Nasional
Negeri Perak sekarang menghadapi krisis politik dan dalam proses ini, adakah wang Rakyat akan dibazirkan oleh pentadbir-pentadbir politik dan/atau kakitangan Kerajaan.
Dalam keadaan sedemikian, PAC amat mengambil berat tentang barisan EXCO mana yang harus dibayar gaji dan elaun dan diberikan segala kemudahan-kemudahan yang diperuntukan dalam undang-undang.
PAC telah membuat keputusan untuk memanggil YB Nizar dan Barisan EXCOnya dan YB Zambry dan Barisan EXCOnya, YB Penasihat Undang-Undang negeri dan YB Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, jika diperlukan, untuk memberikan keterangan dan penjelasannya.
Dalam masa krisis ini, PAC mempunyai tanggungjawab dan perlu memainkan suatu peranan dalam melindungi hak Rakyat.
Public Account Committee met on Perak Crisis
The Public Account Committee had met today (27.02.2009) on Perak Crisis relating to the use of public funds for the salary of the "Advisors" to YB Zambry and the issue of payment of salary and allowance for the 2 sects of EXCOs. I will be calling a Press Conference tomorrow to release the detail of the outcome.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Public Account Committee to act
Due to the current Political uncertainty and Constitutional Crisis in Perak, being the Chairman of the Public Account Committee, I will be calling up a meeting to inverstigate the following matters:-
(a) The rational and legality of the appointment and payment of salary and allowance of 4 “Advisors” to the purported MB for BN YB Zambry, namely Mr. Mohd Najumuddin Elies, Mr. Chang Ko Youn, Mr. S Veerasingam and Mr. Hamdi Abu Bakar.
(b) There are uncertainty over the status of 2 MBs and 2 EXCO line-ups in Perak. We belive that the new purported MB and EXCO are being paid their salary and allowance now. In the event the High Court in Kuala Lumpur rules againsty Zambry, the existing PR MB and EXCOs needed to be paid. There will be a double payment of salary.
Both the aforesaid items involved public funds. We have the duty to safeguard the public interest.
(a) The rational and legality of the appointment and payment of salary and allowance of 4 “Advisors” to the purported MB for BN YB Zambry, namely Mr. Mohd Najumuddin Elies, Mr. Chang Ko Youn, Mr. S Veerasingam and Mr. Hamdi Abu Bakar.
(b) There are uncertainty over the status of 2 MBs and 2 EXCO line-ups in Perak. We belive that the new purported MB and EXCO are being paid their salary and allowance now. In the event the High Court in Kuala Lumpur rules againsty Zambry, the existing PR MB and EXCOs needed to be paid. There will be a double payment of salary.
Both the aforesaid items involved public funds. We have the duty to safeguard the public interest.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Latest: YB Sivakumar recording statement
YB Sivakumar is now recording statement at a private premise in Ipoh. It is still unsure what is the basis of investigation by the police. The process had taken place since 3-00pm until now 5-05pm.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
YB Sivakumar cancelling appointment for statement
It is learned that YB Sivakumar has cancelled the appointment for statement at Sg Senam Police Station today.
Latest: Sivakumar will be recording statement
Speaker YB Sivakumar will be recording statement at Sg Senam Police Station today at 2pm. Similarly I will be recording mine at IPD Ipoh at the same time.
Questions remain: Had Khairy being summoned to give statement? Editor of mykmu? How about MACC whether they have summoned Jamaluddin, Osman and Hee Yit Foong?
Questions remain: Had Khairy being summoned to give statement? Editor of mykmu? How about MACC whether they have summoned Jamaluddin, Osman and Hee Yit Foong?
An article from Kwang Wah Jit Poh, Thanks Author!
二零零九年二月十九日 下午五时三十分
二零零九年二月十九日 下午五时三十分
網站文章煽動種族主義 黃家和要求警調查
A Long Awaited Change...
I have just reached home after attending a Ceramah at Pantai Remis. As expected, the crowd is more than 1500 people, and most notably there are more than 150 Malay friends turn up. It is indeed the first time I am seeing Malay friends attending our Party Ceramah (in the absence of MB Mohd Nizar) which in the past, it will take one in a thousand to happen.
I was selling Rockets and my DVDs which comprise of my final election Speech in Jalan Kampar and my maiden Speech in the Dewan. I approached the crowd and came there a Malay couple. They were asking “Apa CD ini?” So I explained it and emphasis that the first part of my speech is 100% in Cantonese. Then he replied “Taka pa, saya mahu satu, janji kami sokong sahaja.”
What a change. This is the message given by the People in the last election. Malay are voting for DAP and Chinese are willing to vote for PAS. The people are fed up with the 51 years racist administrations of BN. The Perak people will surely give BN another big lesson next round, be it in the snap election in near future or the state election in 3 years time.
I was selling Rockets and my DVDs which comprise of my final election Speech in Jalan Kampar and my maiden Speech in the Dewan. I approached the crowd and came there a Malay couple. They were asking “Apa CD ini?” So I explained it and emphasis that the first part of my speech is 100% in Cantonese. Then he replied “Taka pa, saya mahu satu, janji kami sokong sahaja.”
What a change. This is the message given by the People in the last election. Malay are voting for DAP and Chinese are willing to vote for PAS. The people are fed up with the 51 years racist administrations of BN. The Perak people will surely give BN another big lesson next round, be it in the snap election in near future or the state election in 3 years time.
Photos to share: Hearing of Committee of Special Privilege
Police Report against http://www.mykmu.net/
I have lodged a police report at 2.25pm just now on an seditious Article published on http://www.mykmu.net/. The article is of seditious in nature, provoking the hatred feeling among the different races in Malaysia. Further, it also in certain way intigates the harming of another person's life, YB Sivakumar.
It is ashamed that the Article started with "Daulat Tunku! Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku!". The Riyal Highness of Sultan is the symbol of unity among the Perakians and should never be used by these groups to achieve their political purpose. We are in a democratic country and please respect the law, respect the spirit of democracy.
PDRM, please act on it. I have just received a call from PDRM for statement to be recorded on my report. I will definately give full co-operations. At the same time, I do not know whether PDRM has or will call the editor or writer of the Article to give statements, which they ought to. As far as i am concerned, i have recorded statement on the last police reports on Khairil i made last week. Yet, had Khairil been called to record statement on the same? Further, almost all of our speakers at Jelapang and Bercham Ceramah / Candle Light Vigil had been summoned to give statements at the Police Station. Where is Khairy?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Committee of Special Privileges
The Hearing of the Committee on my complaint was held at 3pm just now. Dr. Zambry together with his junta all turned up. I have presented my complaint to the Committee accordingly. I have then left the Hearing upon the same being adjourned by the Chairman, YB V Sivakumar.
It is learned that the Committee is still sitting now at SUK Perak with regards of the same.
It is learned that the Committee is still sitting now at SUK Perak with regards of the same.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Hearing for Committee of Special Privileges
I have received notice from YB Dewan Speaker and will be attending the Hearing for Committee of Special Privileges this 2.30pm at SUK as the complainant for the case against Zambry and its junta. Update you all later.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Perak, Arumugan and Eliz Wong's case... A co-incidence?
Selangor executive councillor Elizabeth Wong today announced at PKR headquarters that she is offering to quit from her state cabinet post and state assembly seat following her nude photographs controversy.
"I am resigning in the interest of the party," she said.
It was reported yesterday that nude photographs of Wong, who is PKR Wanita publicity chief, were being distributed in public.
Perak with the missing reps Jamal, Osman and Hee, Kedah’s Arumugan and the latest Eliz Wong’s case, would they be mere co-incidence?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Zambry and his junta should be brought before the Committee of Privilege
Which Povision in the Perak Constitution allows Dr. Zambry & his junta to be appointed as MB & Exco?
The unconstitutional grab for power by Barisan National leaders has serious effects on the standing and good name of our august Perak State Assembly. Its reputation has been tarnished and the people are confused over how the government has been changed contrary to the Perak Constitution, which is the supreme law of our state.
As Dr. Zambry and his junta has acted contrary to the Perak Constitution and the Standing Orders of the Perak State Assembly, I have lodged a complaint against him by writing to the Speaker to convene the Committee of Privilege to hold an enquiry at the earliest possible date.
As Assemblymen and women, Dr. Zambry and his junta have sworn to “preserve, uphold and defend” the Perak Constitution. In total disregard for the Perak Constitution, they have proceeded to have themselves installed as “Menteri Besar & Exco” in violation of the Constitution. Menteri Besar Dato Seri Nizar and his Exco have neither resigned nor lost any vote of confidence in the Assembly. It is only after such events have occurred, can they consider themselves constitutionally competent to assume the office of government.
I am hopeful the Speaker will convene a meeting soon.
At the hearing of the Committee of Privileges, I shall ask Dr. Zambry and his junta this crucial question, which answer will expose the illegality of his government: Under which provision of the Perak Constitution do they base their right to form government.
I will call witnesses which will include the State Secretary and others who will help the committee to decide how to take appropriate actions the wrongdoers.
The unconstitutional grab for power by Barisan National leaders has serious effects on the standing and good name of our august Perak State Assembly. Its reputation has been tarnished and the people are confused over how the government has been changed contrary to the Perak Constitution, which is the supreme law of our state.
As Dr. Zambry and his junta has acted contrary to the Perak Constitution and the Standing Orders of the Perak State Assembly, I have lodged a complaint against him by writing to the Speaker to convene the Committee of Privilege to hold an enquiry at the earliest possible date.
As Assemblymen and women, Dr. Zambry and his junta have sworn to “preserve, uphold and defend” the Perak Constitution. In total disregard for the Perak Constitution, they have proceeded to have themselves installed as “Menteri Besar & Exco” in violation of the Constitution. Menteri Besar Dato Seri Nizar and his Exco have neither resigned nor lost any vote of confidence in the Assembly. It is only after such events have occurred, can they consider themselves constitutionally competent to assume the office of government.
I am hopeful the Speaker will convene a meeting soon.
At the hearing of the Committee of Privileges, I shall ask Dr. Zambry and his junta this crucial question, which answer will expose the illegality of his government: Under which provision of the Perak Constitution do they base their right to form government.
I will call witnesses which will include the State Secretary and others who will help the committee to decide how to take appropriate actions the wrongdoers.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Pakatan Untuk Rakyat, Rakyat Bersama Pakatan
This is to announce that DAP Canning will be organizing a Chinese New Year Open House tonight (06.02.2009) at 7pm @ Pusat Khidmat ADUN Canning (DAP) located at No. 417 Jalan Pasar Kg Simee Ipoh (oppositie Kg Simee market). We have planned this open house two weeks ago and we have decided to proceed with the open house and take the chance to explain to the People of current political status in Perak. Speeched will be delivered. Those who already confirmed coming are Kit Siang, Ngeh, Nga, Fook Chye and myself. Please help to inform your friends. Enq: 012-5218840 Mr. Ray Ng.
Stand up Malaysian! Stand up Perakians!
Malaysiakini: State secretary Abdul Rahman Hashim instructs Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar and all exco members to vacate their offices at the state secretariat as soon as possible. They have been reminded not to take any official documents with them. They were also told to hand in their official car keys as well as the keys to their offices.
(a) Had any one ever confirmed that the resignation of Three (3) ADUNs be invalid?
(b) Is it legal to force the MB to vacate office without a motion of non confidence being passed?
(c) Whether the voice of the People are being heard?
(a) Had any one ever confirmed that the resignation of Three (3) ADUNs be invalid?
(b) Is it legal to force the MB to vacate office without a motion of non confidence being passed?
(c) Whether the voice of the People are being heard?
Stand up Malaysian! Stand up Perakians! Join the rally tonight at Stadium Perak 7pm. We show the People’s Power!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Sultan Refusal to Dissolve Assembly
The Royal Highness Sultan of Perak had refused to grant a dissolution. I received a lot of calls and sms-es addressing the sadness over the issue, same to me... Is the decision in line with what had been said by Raja Muda Raja Dr Nazrin Shah that: "as the head of state at the state level and head of the country at the national level, the Ruler plays a role in upholding stability and justice, and strengthening solidarity and unity"? Should put a bigger question mark for discussion here...
MB, Najib...
MB is still at the Palace despite Najib's announcement that BN had enough numbers. Latest source said that MB is still there and no result yet at the moment. I did not watch the news just now but heard that our Hee Yit Foong was there with Najib Tun Razak. Sorry to say this but shame on her!
Crucial Period...
We heard that Najib is having a Press Conference at Putrajaya now. Is he announcing that he has enough numbers to form Government?
At the meanwhile, MB is at the Palace seeking for Rpyal Assent for a dissolution of Assembly. All in PR but YB Nazaruddin had signed a letter to the Sultan seeking for the dissolution. YB Nazaruddin was “hijacked” by two UMNO reps who were ealier been said will be crossing over to PR. According to source he was brought to see Najib at Putrajaya.
At the meanwhile, MB is at the Palace seeking for Rpyal Assent for a dissolution of Assembly. All in PR but YB Nazaruddin had signed a letter to the Sultan seeking for the dissolution. YB Nazaruddin was “hijacked” by two UMNO reps who were ealier been said will be crossing over to PR. According to source he was brought to see Najib at Putrajaya.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Jamal, Osman.... and now, Hee Yit Foong
I received a lot of calls and sms-es since this early morning. My apology for being unable to answer all the calls and reply all the sms-es as sometimes the calls coming in as “call-waiting” while i was on the other line. Sometimes i also have to press the busy button when the calls come in as i was typing sms-es. My sincere apology.
I understand that the Perakians are concerned on the current state of Perak Government after the declaration by Jamal, Osman and Hee Yit Foong (an open betrayal of the People’s trust, i hate it!) that they have become independent ADUN. We tahnk for your concern. However, i am not convenient to divulge too many things here or over the phone, and you all may just wait for the next few hours to see what are the developments.
Let’s hope for the best.
I understand that the Perakians are concerned on the current state of Perak Government after the declaration by Jamal, Osman and Hee Yit Foong (an open betrayal of the People’s trust, i hate it!) that they have become independent ADUN. We tahnk for your concern. However, i am not convenient to divulge too many things here or over the phone, and you all may just wait for the next few hours to see what are the developments.
Let’s hope for the best.
A hectic day ended with the meeting at MB residence
A meeting at MB residence had just over. The Dewan Speaker Sdr Sivakumar had just strongly denounced the decision by the EC on the vacancy of Behrang and Changkat Jering seats and reaffirm that both Jamal and Osman had resigned and no longer the ADUN for the Perak State Assembly.
Finally, I can have some much needed rest. There is only a break of around an hour between all the events today. Feeling asleep now…
Finally, I can have some much needed rest. There is only a break of around an hour between all the events today. Feeling asleep now…
The independence of EC is under threat
We were at the Kuala Kangsar Palace this morning, attending the Jubilee Perak celebration. We received news at around 1.30pm that the EC had announced that there will be no by-election for Changkat Jering and Behrang. The santapan ended around 3.00pm and when on our way back, we received sms from Ngeh asking us to attend a Press Conference on the same issue at DAP HQ at 3.45pm.
We are of the view that the EC had erred (or more accurately, biased!!!) in making such decision. The EC had usurped the Power of the Speaker by declaring that there are doubts in the resignations. It is for the Court to decide, whether there are any doubts in the resignations, and it is for the duo, Jamal and Osman to seek a Court Order declaring so, and its seem that they are not interested and not bothered (or unable) to do so! It is not for the EC not to call for by-election when the Speaker had requested them to do so. Is the EC independent? The answer is obvious. I have personally experienced it, when a year before 308 election the Postal Votes in Canning had increased from 1300 to around 2500, by putting 3-4 camps into Canning from Tambun Parliamentary Constituency without any notice and any legal justification!
The PR Reps will be meeting soon on the latest development of the matter.
We are of the view that the EC had erred (or more accurately, biased!!!) in making such decision. The EC had usurped the Power of the Speaker by declaring that there are doubts in the resignations. It is for the Court to decide, whether there are any doubts in the resignations, and it is for the duo, Jamal and Osman to seek a Court Order declaring so, and its seem that they are not interested and not bothered (or unable) to do so! It is not for the EC not to call for by-election when the Speaker had requested them to do so. Is the EC independent? The answer is obvious. I have personally experienced it, when a year before 308 election the Postal Votes in Canning had increased from 1300 to around 2500, by putting 3-4 camps into Canning from Tambun Parliamentary Constituency without any notice and any legal justification!
The PR Reps will be meeting soon on the latest development of the matter.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Osman and Jamal...
According to media and web reports, Osman’s agent had lodged a police report while Jamaluddin had denied that he had tendered resignation.
In addition to that, Jamal had also sent his agent to forward a letter of protest to SPR at around 9am this morning.
In this situation, why can’t the two just come out and explain where were they about and what are they planning next?
The next question is: would the corruption charges against the duo be dropped? UMNO must be having a headache now as to how to deal with this if they are to use this to get the duo to cross over, as MACC is at least “seems” going all out against corruption now...
On the other hand, we had 2 meetings this morning, one is BBC meeting and the other is DAP meeting with Sdr Lim Kit Siang. The BBC had expressed its support on the State Government and Kit Siang’s experience and wisdom had helped us, especially the new comers, to clear some doubts on how to do on what to happen next.
We, the DAP, hold firm in one principle in elected rep party-hopping: those who cross over to the other party must first resigned and the Federal Constitution be amended to the effect that the one resigned is allowed to contest again so as to seek the fresh mandate from the People.
In addition to that, Jamal had also sent his agent to forward a letter of protest to SPR at around 9am this morning.
In this situation, why can’t the two just come out and explain where were they about and what are they planning next?
The next question is: would the corruption charges against the duo be dropped? UMNO must be having a headache now as to how to deal with this if they are to use this to get the duo to cross over, as MACC is at least “seems” going all out against corruption now...
On the other hand, we had 2 meetings this morning, one is BBC meeting and the other is DAP meeting with Sdr Lim Kit Siang. The BBC had expressed its support on the State Government and Kit Siang’s experience and wisdom had helped us, especially the new comers, to clear some doubts on how to do on what to happen next.
We, the DAP, hold firm in one principle in elected rep party-hopping: those who cross over to the other party must first resigned and the Federal Constitution be amended to the effect that the one resigned is allowed to contest again so as to seek the fresh mandate from the People.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
By Election for Behrang and Changkat Jering
Perak state assembly speaker V Sivakumar had announced that he had received letters of resignation from both Behrang assemblyperson Jamaluddin Mat Radzi and Changkat Jering assemblyperson Osman Jailu and the latters have stepped down as state assemblypersons with immediate effect
Sivakumar declared both the Behrang and Chankat Jering state seats vacant, necessitating two by-elections soon. He added that he will be informing the Election Commission tomorrow about the vacancy. The by-elections for the two state seats will have to be held within 60 days.
Whilst a lot are expecting the duo to cross over to UMNO after missing for 5 days, the resignation at least provide a fair platform for the position of PR and BN to be re-determined by the voters in a democracy way.
We do not know the true reason behind the resignations. Would it be a genuine one or a sandiwara planned by UMNO? However, I started to have a worry now: would the duo, as reported in the Star today, push the blame (again) on the so-called “Ngeh-Nga Factor” and destabilizing the unity of PR in Perak?
Sivakumar declared both the Behrang and Chankat Jering state seats vacant, necessitating two by-elections soon. He added that he will be informing the Election Commission tomorrow about the vacancy. The by-elections for the two state seats will have to be held within 60 days.
Whilst a lot are expecting the duo to cross over to UMNO after missing for 5 days, the resignation at least provide a fair platform for the position of PR and BN to be re-determined by the voters in a democracy way.
We do not know the true reason behind the resignations. Would it be a genuine one or a sandiwara planned by UMNO? However, I started to have a worry now: would the duo, as reported in the Star today, push the blame (again) on the so-called “Ngeh-Nga Factor” and destabilizing the unity of PR in Perak?
Ever since the 308 election and the forming of State Government, a lot of blame (apart from this incident) had been unfairly and unjustly put on the so-called “Ngeh-Nga Factor”. For me, politically and personally, I am not agreeable to that. I would invite all to answer a simple question: Apart from being seen as the main figure in the State Government, have “Ngeh-Nga” committed any wrong or any of the policies made against the People’s interest?
Rumours flying....
Rumours are flying all around. The web reporting had said that DAP Jelapang ADUN YB Hee Yit Foong also “missing”. We do not know how far the word “missing” meant. In normal circumstances, and from my personal experience, due to tight schedule, it is not strange for an Elected Rep to be unable to answer phone calls. However, there are still no news about the Two PKR EXCOs who had been missing for 5 days since the First Day of CNY.
Whatever the situation may be, Canning shall be the strong back bone behind the PR Government.
Let’s pray and hope for the best.
Whatever the situation may be, Canning shall be the strong back bone behind the PR Government.
Let’s pray and hope for the best.
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