SG : after the implementation of GST, 85% salaried employee of whom previously not liable to pay income tax have to pay now. BN is slashing the Rakyat. PR has a different idea, let's fight corruption and save money there!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
15th DAP Perak Annual Convention
Sdr Lim Guan Eng is officiating the 15th DAP Perak Annual Convention and pointed out the best of Pakatan Rakyat Perak - the first state to give lands to private schools, freehold title to Rakyats, good financial governance, having a brave Speaker in the name of V Sivakumar and be the best Pakatan Rakyat state in term of co-operation and working together...
At Taman Cempaka Market this morning...
We were at Taman Cempaka Market this morning... visiting the constituents and selling Rockets... Not a bad response in a small area.... Thanks all!!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Berikut merupaka resolusi yang dicadangkan oleh Jawatankuasa DAP Negeri Perak untuk Konvensyen Tahunaan DAP ke-15 seperti yang diumumkan oleh Setiausaha Publicitinya, YB Wong Kah Woh dalam satu siding akhbar bersama YB Nga Kor Ming.
Satu Hitam Perak
1. MENGECAM tindakan Barisan Nasional dalam rampasan kuasa Negeri Perak yang berlaku di bulan Februari 2009 yang menyebabkan krisis perlembagaan yang berlarutan dan kelumpuhan Dewan Negeri Perak DAN MENDESAK Barisan Nasional menghormati pilihan Rakyat untuk membubarkan Dewan Negeri Perak dan kembalikan kuasa Rakyat.
2. MENGECAM tindakan Polis Diraja Malaysia yang telah menjadi peralatan Barisan Nasional Perak dalam melumpuhkan sistem demokrasi di Negeri Perak dengan beberapa kali menghalang ADUN-ADUN Pakatan Rakyat daripada memasuki Dewan UNegeri Perak khasnya pada 03.03.2009 dan 02.09.2009 dan MENDESAK Peguam Negara mendakwa anggota polis yang bersalah di Mahkamah.
3. MENGECAM tindakan Polis Diraja Malaysia yang melampaui kuasa yang telah menangkap lebih daripada 100 Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat dan Rakyat Jelata sejak berlakunya krisis perlembagaan Negeri Perak khasnya memasuki Dewan Negeri Perak dan mengheret keluar Tuan Pengetua Dewan Negeri Perak, YB V. Sivakumar.
4. MENGUTUK tindakan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri yang telah melampaui kuasa dan gagal melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya sebagai seorang kakitangan awam dengan adil dan membantu Barisan Nasional Perak dalam rampasan kuasa Kerajaan Negeri Perak dan MENGESA Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam untuk mengambil tindakan terhadap beliau.
Keadilan untuk Beng Hock
5. TAKZIAH kepada keluarga Sdr. Teoh Beng Hock yang telah meninggal dunia semasa dalam kawalan Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia dan MENDESAK Perdana Menteri Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Diraja untuk menyiasat punca kematian Sdr. Teoh Beng Hock dan menegakkan keadilan untuk Rakyat.
Politik, Ekonomi, Pendidikan dan Agama
6. BERIKRAR untuk mempertahankan perjuangan parti berlandaskan falsafah demokratik social dan visi Malaysian Malaysia dan komited untuk merealisasikannya menerusi urustadbir yang baik dan beretika dan melalui pengubalan undang-undang, politik dan program oleh Kerajaan Negeri dan Kerajaan Tempatan di bawah pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat.
7. MENYOKONG prinsip 5K Pakatan Rakyat, iatu Keadilan, Kewibawaan, Ketelusan, Kebajikan dan Kebebasan sebagai asas bekerja dan memerintah Pakatan Rakyat.
8. MENYERU Kerajaan Pusat menunaikan konsep 1 Malaysia dan dengan segera melaksanakan polisi-polisi yang adil, saksama tanpa mengira kaum untuk kebaikan semua Rakyat Malaysia.
9. MENYERU Kerajaan Pusat untuk mengambil tindakan drastic dalam mengupah kakitangan bukan Melayu memandangkan isu berkenaan dengan ketidakseimbangan kaum di sector perkhidmatan awam adalah amat serius.
10. MENYERU Kerajaan Pusat untuk mejalankan siasatan terbuka terhadap kes-kes yang melibatkan kematian tembakan controversial pihak polis memandangkan terdapat dakwaan bahawa penggunaan keganasan oleh pihak polis adalah tidak munasabah.
11. MENGUTUK penggunaan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri 1960 oleh Kerajaan BN dan MENDESAK Kerajaan untuk melepaskan kesemua tahanan ISA atau menghadap mereka ke Mahkamah untuk suatu perbicaraan yang adil.
12. MENDESAK Kerajaan Pusat memansuhkan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri, Akta Rahsia Rasmi, Akta Percetakan dan Pernerbitan serta Akta Kolej dan Universiti demi menepati intipati Demokrasi dan Konsep Keadilan.
13. BERUSAHA meningkatkan prestasi perkhidmatan Kerajaan Tempatan di bawah pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat dan melaksanakan Agenda Tempatan 21 yang mana suara Rakyat akan menjadi kayu ukur yang penting dalam pelaksanaan polisi-polisi.
14. MENYERU Kerajaan Pusat Barisan Nasional memulihkan semula kempen rapat umum (public rally) dan memberikan layanan adil dan saksama kepada semua parti politik tanpa diskriminasi.
15. BERUSAHA menghapuskan doktrin perkauman sehingga ke akar umbi seterusnya meningkatkan hubungan sesama rakyat, kakitangan kerajaan, ahli politik dan NGO.
16. MENYERU Kerajaan Barisan Nasional berhenti memberatkan lagi beban dan tanggungan Rakyat dalam Bajet 2010 dengan mengenakan cukai keuntungan hartanah dan cukai kad kredit.
17. MENYERU Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk meminda Akta Pendidikan 1996 supaya menjamin kedudukan kesemua sekolah jenis kebangsaan di Negara ini.
18. MENDESAK Kerajaan Pusat untuk mengiktirafkan Sijil Unified Exam Sekolah Persendirian Cina supaya memastikan lebih ramai Rakyat Malaysia menetap dan menyumbang kepada tanah air yang tercinta ini.
19. MENGESA Kerajaan Pusat Barisan Nasional menghormati hak kebebasan menganut agama seperti yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia.
Polisi Pakatan Rakyat
20. MENGESAL kegagalan Barisan Nasional Perak meneruskan polisi-polisi baik Pakatan Rakyat dan menyebabkan pemberian tanah untuk SUWA dan Sekolah Agama dan juga pemberian tanah kepada Sekolah Kebangsaan, Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina dan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil tidak dapat dilaksanakan.
21. MENGESAL kegagalan Barisan Nasional Perak meneruskan polisi-polisi baik Pakatan Rakyat dan menyebabkan pemberian hakmilik kekal untuk Rancangan Kampung Tersusun dan Kampung Baru Cina tidak dapat dilaksanakan.
22. MENYOKONG pendirian Pakatan Rakyat Perak untuk memberikan pembaharuan otomatik Geran tanah sekurang-kurangnya selama 99 tahun untuk tanah-tanah perusahaan, pertanian dan perumahan (jenis pajakan) dengan bayaran premium yang munasabah dan tidak membebankan Rakyat.
23. MENYOKONG Pakatan Rakyat Perak untuk meneruskan polisi pemberian tanah untuk menampung keperluan golongan bukan Islam, kuil dan gereja.
Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia
24. KECEWA bahawa kedudukan Malaysia dalam Indeks Persepsi Rasuah 2009 yang diumumkan oleh Transparency International jatuh dari tempat 47 ke 56 iaitu satu kedudukan yang paling rendah dalam masa 15 tahun yang lepas dan MENGESA supaya satu Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah yang bebas daripada sebarang cengaram politik dan bertanggungjawab terus kepada Parlimen ditubuhkan.
25. MENGUTUK tindakan Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia yang telah gagal menjalankan tugasnya dengan bebas dan menjadi peralatan Barisan Nasional dalam memulakan siasatan-siasatan yang tidak berasas dan mala fide terhadap pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat dalam usaha membantu Barisan Nasional untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan-Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
Perjuangan berlandaskan Rakyat
26. MENGUTUK tindakan Barisan Nasional Perak yang bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan syarikat-syarikat kroni dengan penerimapakai Akta Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan Awam 2007 tanpa mempertimbangkan kepentingan Rakyat dan menyebabkan Rakyat mungkin akan menghadapi “Cukai Taksiran Ketiga” selepas bayaran pembetungan yang dikenakan oleh Indah Water Konsortium.
27. MENGUTUK tindakan Indah Water Konsortium yang mengambil tindakan Mahkamah terhadap Rakyat yang bertujuan memaksa Rakyat membayar caj pembetungan tanpa sebaranag bukti dikemukakan.
28. MENYERU Kerajaan Persekutuan menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Khas Kabinet untuk menganalisa dan melaksanakan polisi-polisi untuk menjawab isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh rakan-rakan berbangsa India di Malaysia.
29. MENYOKONG keputusan Pakatan Rakyat Perak untuk memberikan peruntukkan khas sebanyak RM5 juta setahun untuk membantu golongan kaum India yang mempunyai keperluan dan miskin.
30. MENYOKONG rancangan Pakatan Rakyat Perak untuk memberikan tanah untuk tujuan kediaman kepada mereka yang tidak mempunyai rumah khasnya rakan-rakan India di estet dan mereka yang tinggal di rumah setinggan.
Satu Hitam Perak
1. MENGECAM tindakan Barisan Nasional dalam rampasan kuasa Negeri Perak yang berlaku di bulan Februari 2009 yang menyebabkan krisis perlembagaan yang berlarutan dan kelumpuhan Dewan Negeri Perak DAN MENDESAK Barisan Nasional menghormati pilihan Rakyat untuk membubarkan Dewan Negeri Perak dan kembalikan kuasa Rakyat.
2. MENGECAM tindakan Polis Diraja Malaysia yang telah menjadi peralatan Barisan Nasional Perak dalam melumpuhkan sistem demokrasi di Negeri Perak dengan beberapa kali menghalang ADUN-ADUN Pakatan Rakyat daripada memasuki Dewan UNegeri Perak khasnya pada 03.03.2009 dan 02.09.2009 dan MENDESAK Peguam Negara mendakwa anggota polis yang bersalah di Mahkamah.
3. MENGECAM tindakan Polis Diraja Malaysia yang melampaui kuasa yang telah menangkap lebih daripada 100 Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat dan Rakyat Jelata sejak berlakunya krisis perlembagaan Negeri Perak khasnya memasuki Dewan Negeri Perak dan mengheret keluar Tuan Pengetua Dewan Negeri Perak, YB V. Sivakumar.
4. MENGUTUK tindakan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri yang telah melampaui kuasa dan gagal melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya sebagai seorang kakitangan awam dengan adil dan membantu Barisan Nasional Perak dalam rampasan kuasa Kerajaan Negeri Perak dan MENGESA Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam untuk mengambil tindakan terhadap beliau.
Keadilan untuk Beng Hock
5. TAKZIAH kepada keluarga Sdr. Teoh Beng Hock yang telah meninggal dunia semasa dalam kawalan Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia dan MENDESAK Perdana Menteri Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Diraja untuk menyiasat punca kematian Sdr. Teoh Beng Hock dan menegakkan keadilan untuk Rakyat.
Politik, Ekonomi, Pendidikan dan Agama
6. BERIKRAR untuk mempertahankan perjuangan parti berlandaskan falsafah demokratik social dan visi Malaysian Malaysia dan komited untuk merealisasikannya menerusi urustadbir yang baik dan beretika dan melalui pengubalan undang-undang, politik dan program oleh Kerajaan Negeri dan Kerajaan Tempatan di bawah pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat.
7. MENYOKONG prinsip 5K Pakatan Rakyat, iatu Keadilan, Kewibawaan, Ketelusan, Kebajikan dan Kebebasan sebagai asas bekerja dan memerintah Pakatan Rakyat.
8. MENYERU Kerajaan Pusat menunaikan konsep 1 Malaysia dan dengan segera melaksanakan polisi-polisi yang adil, saksama tanpa mengira kaum untuk kebaikan semua Rakyat Malaysia.
9. MENYERU Kerajaan Pusat untuk mengambil tindakan drastic dalam mengupah kakitangan bukan Melayu memandangkan isu berkenaan dengan ketidakseimbangan kaum di sector perkhidmatan awam adalah amat serius.
10. MENYERU Kerajaan Pusat untuk mejalankan siasatan terbuka terhadap kes-kes yang melibatkan kematian tembakan controversial pihak polis memandangkan terdapat dakwaan bahawa penggunaan keganasan oleh pihak polis adalah tidak munasabah.
11. MENGUTUK penggunaan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri 1960 oleh Kerajaan BN dan MENDESAK Kerajaan untuk melepaskan kesemua tahanan ISA atau menghadap mereka ke Mahkamah untuk suatu perbicaraan yang adil.
12. MENDESAK Kerajaan Pusat memansuhkan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri, Akta Rahsia Rasmi, Akta Percetakan dan Pernerbitan serta Akta Kolej dan Universiti demi menepati intipati Demokrasi dan Konsep Keadilan.
13. BERUSAHA meningkatkan prestasi perkhidmatan Kerajaan Tempatan di bawah pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat dan melaksanakan Agenda Tempatan 21 yang mana suara Rakyat akan menjadi kayu ukur yang penting dalam pelaksanaan polisi-polisi.
14. MENYERU Kerajaan Pusat Barisan Nasional memulihkan semula kempen rapat umum (public rally) dan memberikan layanan adil dan saksama kepada semua parti politik tanpa diskriminasi.
15. BERUSAHA menghapuskan doktrin perkauman sehingga ke akar umbi seterusnya meningkatkan hubungan sesama rakyat, kakitangan kerajaan, ahli politik dan NGO.
16. MENYERU Kerajaan Barisan Nasional berhenti memberatkan lagi beban dan tanggungan Rakyat dalam Bajet 2010 dengan mengenakan cukai keuntungan hartanah dan cukai kad kredit.
17. MENYERU Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk meminda Akta Pendidikan 1996 supaya menjamin kedudukan kesemua sekolah jenis kebangsaan di Negara ini.
18. MENDESAK Kerajaan Pusat untuk mengiktirafkan Sijil Unified Exam Sekolah Persendirian Cina supaya memastikan lebih ramai Rakyat Malaysia menetap dan menyumbang kepada tanah air yang tercinta ini.
19. MENGESA Kerajaan Pusat Barisan Nasional menghormati hak kebebasan menganut agama seperti yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia.
Polisi Pakatan Rakyat
20. MENGESAL kegagalan Barisan Nasional Perak meneruskan polisi-polisi baik Pakatan Rakyat dan menyebabkan pemberian tanah untuk SUWA dan Sekolah Agama dan juga pemberian tanah kepada Sekolah Kebangsaan, Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina dan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil tidak dapat dilaksanakan.
21. MENGESAL kegagalan Barisan Nasional Perak meneruskan polisi-polisi baik Pakatan Rakyat dan menyebabkan pemberian hakmilik kekal untuk Rancangan Kampung Tersusun dan Kampung Baru Cina tidak dapat dilaksanakan.
22. MENYOKONG pendirian Pakatan Rakyat Perak untuk memberikan pembaharuan otomatik Geran tanah sekurang-kurangnya selama 99 tahun untuk tanah-tanah perusahaan, pertanian dan perumahan (jenis pajakan) dengan bayaran premium yang munasabah dan tidak membebankan Rakyat.
23. MENYOKONG Pakatan Rakyat Perak untuk meneruskan polisi pemberian tanah untuk menampung keperluan golongan bukan Islam, kuil dan gereja.
Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia
24. KECEWA bahawa kedudukan Malaysia dalam Indeks Persepsi Rasuah 2009 yang diumumkan oleh Transparency International jatuh dari tempat 47 ke 56 iaitu satu kedudukan yang paling rendah dalam masa 15 tahun yang lepas dan MENGESA supaya satu Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah yang bebas daripada sebarang cengaram politik dan bertanggungjawab terus kepada Parlimen ditubuhkan.
25. MENGUTUK tindakan Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia yang telah gagal menjalankan tugasnya dengan bebas dan menjadi peralatan Barisan Nasional dalam memulakan siasatan-siasatan yang tidak berasas dan mala fide terhadap pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat dalam usaha membantu Barisan Nasional untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan-Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
Perjuangan berlandaskan Rakyat
26. MENGUTUK tindakan Barisan Nasional Perak yang bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan syarikat-syarikat kroni dengan penerimapakai Akta Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan Awam 2007 tanpa mempertimbangkan kepentingan Rakyat dan menyebabkan Rakyat mungkin akan menghadapi “Cukai Taksiran Ketiga” selepas bayaran pembetungan yang dikenakan oleh Indah Water Konsortium.
27. MENGUTUK tindakan Indah Water Konsortium yang mengambil tindakan Mahkamah terhadap Rakyat yang bertujuan memaksa Rakyat membayar caj pembetungan tanpa sebaranag bukti dikemukakan.
28. MENYERU Kerajaan Persekutuan menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Khas Kabinet untuk menganalisa dan melaksanakan polisi-polisi untuk menjawab isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh rakan-rakan berbangsa India di Malaysia.
29. MENYOKONG keputusan Pakatan Rakyat Perak untuk memberikan peruntukkan khas sebanyak RM5 juta setahun untuk membantu golongan kaum India yang mempunyai keperluan dan miskin.
30. MENYOKONG rancangan Pakatan Rakyat Perak untuk memberikan tanah untuk tujuan kediaman kepada mereka yang tidak mempunyai rumah khasnya rakan-rakan India di estet dan mereka yang tinggal di rumah setinggan.
1. 谴责国阵在今年2月发动霹雳州政变事件,导致宪法危机及州议会瘫痪,并促请首相拿督斯里纳吉尊重人民的选择,解散霹雳州议会、还政于民。
2. 谴责警方沦落为霹雳州国阵的工具,非法阻止民联州议员进入霹雳州州议会,特别是3月3日以及9月2日的州议会,使到霹雳州民主制度瘫痪,并促请总检察长将相关的警员控上法庭。
3. 谴责警方自霹雳州宪法危机发生过后逮捕超过100名民联领袖以及人民,特别是非法进入州议会拖走合法议长西华古玛的滥权行动。
4. 谴责霹雳州政府秘书拿督阿都拉曼哈欣在协助霹雳州国阵夺权事件中的滥权行动,没有履行作为一个公务员公正不阿的行政原则,并促请公共服务委员会采取必要行动。
5. 哀悼在反贪污局总部离奇堕楼身亡的赵明福同志,并促请首相拿督斯里纳吉成立皇家调查委员会,调查赵明福同志的死因,让真相还原。
6. 誓言捍卫党的斗争,致力通过民联掌权的州政府以及地方政府权力,修正法律以及政策,落实社会民主及马来西亚人的马来西亚目标。
7. 支持民联5大施政原则,也就是公正、有能力、透明、福利以及自由,成为民联治州和工作的原则。
8. 呼吁联邦政府即刻落实公正、公平和不分肤色的政策,体现真正一个马来西亚的精神。
9. 呼吁 联邦政府采取行动吸纳更多的非马来人进入政府机构,解决政府机构种族比例失衡的严重情况。
10. 呼吁联邦政府对于具争议性的警方射杀案件进行公开调查。
11. 谴责国阵滥用1960年内部安全法令,并促请释放所有未经审讯的扣留者,或将他们提控上法庭。
12. 促请联邦政府废除1960年内部安全法令、官方机密法令、印刷与出版法令以及大专法令,以符合公正和民主原则。
13. 致力提升民联执政州属的地方政府服务效率,落实21世纪地方政府议程,在落实各项政策或决定前听取人民心声。
14. 呼吁联邦政府恢复人民集会权利,并给于所有政党公平的机会自由。
15. 努力消除种族主义,提升各种族、政府官员、非政府组织间的合作以及和睦相处。
16. 呼吁国阵联邦政府停止在2010年的财政预算案中加重人民负担,立刻取消产业盈利税以及信用卡费用。
17. 呼吁联邦政府修改1996年教育法令,保障国内各源流学校的存在地位。
18. 促请联邦政府承认独中统考文凭,留住人才为国家贡献。
19. 促请国阵联邦政府尊重联邦宪法保障下的宗教自由。
20. 遗憾霹雳州国阵没有延续民联的利民政策,使到独中及宗教学校以地养校、给于各源流学校土地的政策胎死腹中。
21. 遗憾霹雳州国阵没有延续民联的利民政策,使到新村与马来重组村永久地契政策不能落实。
22. 支持霹雳州民联给于工业、农业以及房屋地契自动更新至少99年的立场,只征收象征性费用减低人民负担。
23. 支持霹雳州民联继续落实给于非回教在宗教、包括庙宇、教会土地的政策。
24. 遗憾国家在最新的2009年透明国际贪污指数排名从去年的47名跌倒今年的56名,写下15年来的新低,并要求成立一个向国会直接负责、没有政党控制真正自由的反贪污委员会。
25. 谴责反贪污委员会没有履行本身的角色,反而成为国阵夺取民联州政权的工具,对民联领袖展开具恶意性的调查以及指控。
26. 谴责霹雳州国阵为了朋党私利,罔顾州子民利益通过落实《2007年固体废料法令》,导致州子民可能在日后面对继英达丽水排污费过后的“第3门牌税”。
27. 谴责英达丽水提控人民上法庭,意图在没有提出任何服务证据的时候强迫人民缴纳排污费。
28. 呼吁联邦政府成立内阁特别委员会,研究印裔同胞所面对的所有课题、以及落实政策解决。
29. 支持霹雳州民联给于有需要的印裔同胞每年500万令吉拨款的决定。
1. 谴责国阵在今年2月发动霹雳州政变事件,导致宪法危机及州议会瘫痪,并促请首相拿督斯里纳吉尊重人民的选择,解散霹雳州议会、还政于民。
2. 谴责警方沦落为霹雳州国阵的工具,非法阻止民联州议员进入霹雳州州议会,特别是3月3日以及9月2日的州议会,使到霹雳州民主制度瘫痪,并促请总检察长将相关的警员控上法庭。
3. 谴责警方自霹雳州宪法危机发生过后逮捕超过100名民联领袖以及人民,特别是非法进入州议会拖走合法议长西华古玛的滥权行动。
4. 谴责霹雳州政府秘书拿督阿都拉曼哈欣在协助霹雳州国阵夺权事件中的滥权行动,没有履行作为一个公务员公正不阿的行政原则,并促请公共服务委员会采取必要行动。
5. 哀悼在反贪污局总部离奇堕楼身亡的赵明福同志,并促请首相拿督斯里纳吉成立皇家调查委员会,调查赵明福同志的死因,让真相还原。
6. 誓言捍卫党的斗争,致力通过民联掌权的州政府以及地方政府权力,修正法律以及政策,落实社会民主及马来西亚人的马来西亚目标。
7. 支持民联5大施政原则,也就是公正、有能力、透明、福利以及自由,成为民联治州和工作的原则。
8. 呼吁联邦政府即刻落实公正、公平和不分肤色的政策,体现真正一个马来西亚的精神。
9. 呼吁 联邦政府采取行动吸纳更多的非马来人进入政府机构,解决政府机构种族比例失衡的严重情况。
10. 呼吁联邦政府对于具争议性的警方射杀案件进行公开调查。
11. 谴责国阵滥用1960年内部安全法令,并促请释放所有未经审讯的扣留者,或将他们提控上法庭。
12. 促请联邦政府废除1960年内部安全法令、官方机密法令、印刷与出版法令以及大专法令,以符合公正和民主原则。
13. 致力提升民联执政州属的地方政府服务效率,落实21世纪地方政府议程,在落实各项政策或决定前听取人民心声。
14. 呼吁联邦政府恢复人民集会权利,并给于所有政党公平的机会自由。
15. 努力消除种族主义,提升各种族、政府官员、非政府组织间的合作以及和睦相处。
16. 呼吁国阵联邦政府停止在2010年的财政预算案中加重人民负担,立刻取消产业盈利税以及信用卡费用。
17. 呼吁联邦政府修改1996年教育法令,保障国内各源流学校的存在地位。
18. 促请联邦政府承认独中统考文凭,留住人才为国家贡献。
19. 促请国阵联邦政府尊重联邦宪法保障下的宗教自由。
20. 遗憾霹雳州国阵没有延续民联的利民政策,使到独中及宗教学校以地养校、给于各源流学校土地的政策胎死腹中。
21. 遗憾霹雳州国阵没有延续民联的利民政策,使到新村与马来重组村永久地契政策不能落实。
22. 支持霹雳州民联给于工业、农业以及房屋地契自动更新至少99年的立场,只征收象征性费用减低人民负担。
23. 支持霹雳州民联继续落实给于非回教在宗教、包括庙宇、教会土地的政策。
24. 遗憾国家在最新的2009年透明国际贪污指数排名从去年的47名跌倒今年的56名,写下15年来的新低,并要求成立一个向国会直接负责、没有政党控制真正自由的反贪污委员会。
25. 谴责反贪污委员会没有履行本身的角色,反而成为国阵夺取民联州政权的工具,对民联领袖展开具恶意性的调查以及指控。
26. 谴责霹雳州国阵为了朋党私利,罔顾州子民利益通过落实《2007年固体废料法令》,导致州子民可能在日后面对继英达丽水排污费过后的“第3门牌税”。
27. 谴责英达丽水提控人民上法庭,意图在没有提出任何服务证据的时候强迫人民缴纳排污费。
28. 呼吁联邦政府成立内阁特别委员会,研究印裔同胞所面对的所有课题、以及落实政策解决。
29. 支持霹雳州民联给于有需要的印裔同胞每年500万令吉拨款的决定。
Friday, November 13, 2009
固体废料法令 黄家和向马汉顺抛3道问题
固体废料法令 黄家和向马汉顺抛3道问题
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007
Media Conference by YB Wong Kah Woh, the State Assemblyman for Canning and the DAP Perak Publicity Secretary at DAP Perak Headquarter, Ipoh on 12.11.2009 (Thursday):
The State Assemblyman for Canning, YB Wong Kah Woh today reveals that the Perak Barisan Nasional had as early as in April 2009 resolved and agreed to adopt the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007 despite the fact that the Act may eventually turned out to be another “IndahWater” haunting the Rakyats.
In order to protect the Rakyats’ benefits and interest, the Pakatan Rakyat State Government had in the State Assembly sitting last November confirmed in no uncertain terms that the Government is not going to adopt the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007 which was passed by the BN’s Federal Government in July 2007 and gazetted on 30.08.2007.
Under the Act, all the public cleansing management services which shall include the cleansing of public roads, public places, public drains, hawker centres, illegally dumped solid waste, grass cutting etc will go under the purview of the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Corporation. Any person or body who wish to manage or operate any solid waste management facilities or provide any forms of public cleansing management service shall hold a license granted under the Act.
The concession of rights of monopoly for public cleansing in Penisular Malaysia is granted in favour of 3 companies only, that is E Idaman Sdn Bhd, Alam Flora Sdn Bhd and Southern Waste Management Sdn Bhd. As a result of the implementation of this Act, all the existing contractors for garbage collection, grass cutting and drain cleaning in Perak shall register and tender for contract with E Idaman Sdn Bhd and the Local Authority is also to sell off and hand over the lorries and equipments to the concessioner company, which for sure will lead to a round of losses.
The solid waste and public cleansing management will be directly controlled by the private company so appointed, in the case of Perak, E Idaman Sdn Bhd. The elected representatives and the councilors will no longer have any decisive say in changing and replacing the underperforming contractors. By having a private company monopolizing the service, it is also inevitable that the cost borne by the Local Authority will definitely increase, and the burden will eventually be shifted to the Rakyats.
Can anyone imagine, the Rakyat even have to pay for the “Gotong-Royongs” organized by the Rakyats together with the concessioner company!
Clearly, the Barisan Nasional had taken the benefits of the cronies companies above the Rakyat’s interest.
It is ridiculous where the duty of the Local Authority in solid waste and public cleansing are totally taken away by a concessioner company. All are to be reminded that the origin of Ipoh Municipal Council was known as Kinta Sanitary Board. It is also to be noted that under Section 30 of the Act, the charges for solid waste and public cleansing services could be imposed on any occupier, owner, Local Authority or any other person. This simply means that apart from paying the yearly assessments, the Rakyat may have to pay for the services for public cleansing services. It may not start today but this could happen anytime after the implementation of the Act. The second “IndahWater” has come, haunting the Rakyat!
Until today, the existing Local Authority’s contractors are unable to submit their tender to the Local Authority due to the adoption by Barisan Nasional of the Act. It is only 1 ½ months left for year 2009. There will be a big question mark whether the tender process can get through in order to ensure an uninterrupted service for the Rakyat. Is Barisan Nasional willing to bear the responsibilities?
The latest news seems to suggest that the Perak Barisan Nasional had yet to execute the agreements for solid waste and public cleansing management. However, by the fact that the Barisan Nasional’s Executive Council had agreed for the adoption of the Act, it is only a question of time before the whole Act is being implemented. After the grabbing of power in Perak, the Barisan Nasional had not only unable to continue the implementation of the good policies such as the freehold titles policy and the lands for Chinese Independent school, and now , they have totally forgotten the interest of the Rakyat and opted to adopt and implement the Act.
Barisan Nasional owes the Rakyat of Perak an explanation over this issue.
State Assemblyman for Canning
Dated this 12.11.2009
The State Assemblyman for Canning, YB Wong Kah Woh today reveals that the Perak Barisan Nasional had as early as in April 2009 resolved and agreed to adopt the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007 despite the fact that the Act may eventually turned out to be another “IndahWater” haunting the Rakyats.
In order to protect the Rakyats’ benefits and interest, the Pakatan Rakyat State Government had in the State Assembly sitting last November confirmed in no uncertain terms that the Government is not going to adopt the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007 which was passed by the BN’s Federal Government in July 2007 and gazetted on 30.08.2007.
Under the Act, all the public cleansing management services which shall include the cleansing of public roads, public places, public drains, hawker centres, illegally dumped solid waste, grass cutting etc will go under the purview of the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Corporation. Any person or body who wish to manage or operate any solid waste management facilities or provide any forms of public cleansing management service shall hold a license granted under the Act.
The concession of rights of monopoly for public cleansing in Penisular Malaysia is granted in favour of 3 companies only, that is E Idaman Sdn Bhd, Alam Flora Sdn Bhd and Southern Waste Management Sdn Bhd. As a result of the implementation of this Act, all the existing contractors for garbage collection, grass cutting and drain cleaning in Perak shall register and tender for contract with E Idaman Sdn Bhd and the Local Authority is also to sell off and hand over the lorries and equipments to the concessioner company, which for sure will lead to a round of losses.
The solid waste and public cleansing management will be directly controlled by the private company so appointed, in the case of Perak, E Idaman Sdn Bhd. The elected representatives and the councilors will no longer have any decisive say in changing and replacing the underperforming contractors. By having a private company monopolizing the service, it is also inevitable that the cost borne by the Local Authority will definitely increase, and the burden will eventually be shifted to the Rakyats.
Can anyone imagine, the Rakyat even have to pay for the “Gotong-Royongs” organized by the Rakyats together with the concessioner company!
Clearly, the Barisan Nasional had taken the benefits of the cronies companies above the Rakyat’s interest.
It is ridiculous where the duty of the Local Authority in solid waste and public cleansing are totally taken away by a concessioner company. All are to be reminded that the origin of Ipoh Municipal Council was known as Kinta Sanitary Board. It is also to be noted that under Section 30 of the Act, the charges for solid waste and public cleansing services could be imposed on any occupier, owner, Local Authority or any other person. This simply means that apart from paying the yearly assessments, the Rakyat may have to pay for the services for public cleansing services. It may not start today but this could happen anytime after the implementation of the Act. The second “IndahWater” has come, haunting the Rakyat!
Until today, the existing Local Authority’s contractors are unable to submit their tender to the Local Authority due to the adoption by Barisan Nasional of the Act. It is only 1 ½ months left for year 2009. There will be a big question mark whether the tender process can get through in order to ensure an uninterrupted service for the Rakyat. Is Barisan Nasional willing to bear the responsibilities?
The latest news seems to suggest that the Perak Barisan Nasional had yet to execute the agreements for solid waste and public cleansing management. However, by the fact that the Barisan Nasional’s Executive Council had agreed for the adoption of the Act, it is only a question of time before the whole Act is being implemented. After the grabbing of power in Perak, the Barisan Nasional had not only unable to continue the implementation of the good policies such as the freehold titles policy and the lands for Chinese Independent school, and now , they have totally forgotten the interest of the Rakyat and opted to adopt and implement the Act.
Barisan Nasional owes the Rakyat of Perak an explanation over this issue.
State Assemblyman for Canning
Dated this 12.11.2009
黄氏表示,目前大马半岛只有3家公司,也就是E Idaman Sdn Bhd, Alam Flora Sdn Bhd 以及Southern Waste Management Sdn Bhd获得经营权,垄断整个固体废料处理服务。在这个情况下,霹雳州地方政府原有的承包商将必须向E Idaman Sdn Bhd注册以及投标合约,而地方政府本身也必须将原有垃圾罗里等工具变卖给它们,当中肯定蒙受不小的损失。
“在这个情况下,整个固体废料服务将由完全朋党公司垄断以及操控,而民选议员以及市议员对于任何没有表现的承包商却不再拥有任何的鞭挞以及决定权。届时,地方政府必须付钱给垄断服务的公司,必须承担费用的提高务必在所难免,如果地方政府财务无法负荷,最终将转移到人民的身上,而甚至人民要求任何形式的‘分工合作’Gotong Royong运动,也不再是免费的。这显示国阵再度将朋党的利益凌驾人民利益至上。”
黄氏表示,目前大马半岛只有3家公司,也就是E Idaman Sdn Bhd, Alam Flora Sdn Bhd 以及Southern Waste Management Sdn Bhd获得经营权,垄断整个固体废料处理服务。在这个情况下,霹雳州地方政府原有的承包商将必须向E Idaman Sdn Bhd注册以及投标合约,而地方政府本身也必须将原有垃圾罗里等工具变卖给它们,当中肯定蒙受不小的损失。
“在这个情况下,整个固体废料服务将由完全朋党公司垄断以及操控,而民选议员以及市议员对于任何没有表现的承包商却不再拥有任何的鞭挞以及决定权。届时,地方政府必须付钱给垄断服务的公司,必须承担费用的提高务必在所难免,如果地方政府财务无法负荷,最终将转移到人民的身上,而甚至人民要求任何形式的‘分工合作’Gotong Royong运动,也不再是免费的。这显示国阵再度将朋党的利益凌驾人民利益至上。”
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Nizar v Zambry
Nizar's lead counsel, Sulaiman Abdullah, is now still submitting the case for Nizar...
Nizar v Zambry
The Federal Court dismissed Nizar's application for a 11 panel. Proceed to hear the case with 5 panel.
Meanwhile, i met Kpt. (R) Osman (Changkat Jering) at the Session Court this morning while i was passing by him. He said hi "hello, how are you bro..." i really do not know what to answer apart from my usual reply "fine" with my thumb's up. i am not taking things too personal on him, i can be closed to any Barisan's counterpart, but yet, he has betrayed the People's mandate...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Statement given at FRU, Sungai Senam
I have just finished giving statements for the police at Bilik Gerakan FRU, Sungai Senam, for the police reports lodged by YB Dato Ngeh Koo Ham (under S 124 of the Penal Code: obstructing elected reps from going into Dewan sitting) and YB Nga Kor Ming (assault by the Police) with regards to the Dewan’s incident on 28.10.2009.
In any event, it is expected no one will be charged. Malaysia Boleh!
In any event, it is expected no one will be charged. Malaysia Boleh!
Monday, October 26, 2009
如果用英语来解答当时的情况将会切切地反映出国阵的做法如何地荒谬:How to remove the Speaker from his chair? Remove him physically from the chair!!! (要 如何将议长撤职?就将他从议长席位上拉走!)
如果用英语来解答当时的情况将会切切地反映出国阵的做法如何地荒谬:How to remove the Speaker from his chair? Remove him physically from the chair!!! (要 如何将议长撤职?就将他从议长席位上拉走!)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
What will happen on 28.10.2009
What will happen on 28.10.2009?
This is the most popular question to be asked lately.
I am not sure what will happen… But for sure, BN will pass their budget… Yes, like it or not, it will be passed, or it will be deemed to have been passed…. For me, taking into consideration what BN has done in the past 10 months, the budget can even be passed in the bedroom of Zambry…
I am not being passive in this issue, but is just looking at the issue on a more practical way…
This is the most popular question to be asked lately.
I am not sure what will happen… But for sure, BN will pass their budget… Yes, like it or not, it will be passed, or it will be deemed to have been passed…. For me, taking into consideration what BN has done in the past 10 months, the budget can even be passed in the bedroom of Zambry…
I am not being passive in this issue, but is just looking at the issue on a more practical way…
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
国阵律师团在陈词过程中,不断地强调法庭没有权限干涉立法议会议长的决定,而西华古玛不能针对5月7日史上最黑暗的州议会所发生的事件通过法庭起诉甘尼申。国阵律师团从引用霹雳州宪法、立法议会常规,到19世纪英国著名宪法专家Erskine May针对立法议会议长至高无上地位的论点,直至再引用马来西亚司法、立法、行政3权分立的民主制度,论述司法机构是不可以插手立法机构的权限。
法律真正的诠译 = 国阵如何诠译法律?
国阵律师团在陈词过程中,不断地强调法庭没有权限干涉立法议会议长的决定,而西华古玛不能针对5月7日史上最黑暗的州议会所发生的事件通过法庭起诉甘尼申。国阵律师团从引用霹雳州宪法、立法议会常规,到19世纪英国著名宪法专家Erskine May针对立法议会议长至高无上地位的论点,直至再引用马来西亚司法、立法、行政3权分立的民主制度,论述司法机构是不可以插手立法机构的权限。
法律真正的诠译 = 国阵如何诠译法律?
Friday, September 18, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
有人说,如果国阵不能在11月间通过2010年的财政预算案,整个州政府将会瘫痪,国阵将没有选择而必需解散州议会,重新选举。但是, 2010年州财政预算案根本不可能不能获得通过,因为国阵就是法律。在法律已经不再是法律的时候,难道国阵不可以在财政预算案被提呈到州议会前就公告天下州预算案已经获得通过?谁会说国阵的宣布是不合法的?
有人说,如果国阵不能在11月间通过2010年的财政预算案,整个州政府将会瘫痪,国阵将没有选择而必需解散州议会,重新选举。但是, 2010年州财政预算案根本不可能不能获得通过,因为国阵就是法律。在法律已经不再是法律的时候,难道国阵不可以在财政预算案被提呈到州议会前就公告天下州预算案已经获得通过?谁会说国阵的宣布是不合法的?
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Bar Council Statement on the Status of Rohaizta Othman
In response to inquiries from the media, we wish to clarify Rohaizat Othman's status as an advocate and solicitor.
The Advocates and Solicitors Disciplinary Board struck Rohaizat Othman off the Roll of Advocates and Solicitors on 7 March 2008 after he was found guilty of misconduct. The Disciplinary Board's decision arose from an investigation into the complaint lodged against Rohaizat Othman by the purchaser of a piece of real property. According to the complaint, Rohaizat Othman failed to refund almost RM 161,000 to the complainant after the transaction was aborted.
Rohaizat Othman appealed against the decision of the Disciplinary Board to the High Court, and the appeal was dismissed on 12 August 2009. He is therefore legally disqualified from practising as an advocate and solicitor.
The finding of misconduct is personal to Rohaizat Othman, as the Disciplinary Board would not hold a lawyer liable for the actions of his/her law partner(s).
George Varughese
Malaysian Bar
The Advocates and Solicitors Disciplinary Board struck Rohaizat Othman off the Roll of Advocates and Solicitors on 7 March 2008 after he was found guilty of misconduct. The Disciplinary Board's decision arose from an investigation into the complaint lodged against Rohaizat Othman by the purchaser of a piece of real property. According to the complaint, Rohaizat Othman failed to refund almost RM 161,000 to the complainant after the transaction was aborted.
Rohaizat Othman appealed against the decision of the Disciplinary Board to the High Court, and the appeal was dismissed on 12 August 2009. He is therefore legally disqualified from practising as an advocate and solicitor.
The finding of misconduct is personal to Rohaizat Othman, as the Disciplinary Board would not hold a lawyer liable for the actions of his/her law partner(s).
George Varughese
Malaysian Bar
Friday, August 14, 2009
My Chinese Statement on OTK vs KDSB which was not puclished by some Press on the reason it is "pending court action" --- hurrr?!?
(怡保13日讯)民主行动党霹雳州宣传秘书黄家和律师表示,反贪污委员会应该针对巴生港口自贸区主要承包商Kuala Dimensi总执行长张庆信声称曾经在马华现任总会长拿督斯里翁诗杰的要求下给于马华1000万令吉捐款的事件做出调查,以让真相水落石出。
也是民主行动党桂和区州议员的黄家和表示对于张庆信的揭露深表震惊,而翁诗杰在否认指责的同时也有必要给于他与张庆信、以及Kuala Dimensi之间的关系作出完整的交代,理清当中所引发的疑问。
(怡保13日讯)民主行动党霹雳州宣传秘书黄家和律师表示,反贪污委员会应该针对巴生港口自贸区主要承包商Kuala Dimensi总执行长张庆信声称曾经在马华现任总会长拿督斯里翁诗杰的要求下给于马华1000万令吉捐款的事件做出调查,以让真相水落石出。
也是民主行动党桂和区州议员的黄家和表示对于张庆信的揭露深表震惊,而翁诗杰在否认指责的同时也有必要给于他与张庆信、以及Kuala Dimensi之间的关系作出完整的交代,理清当中所引发的疑问。
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Attending Seminar Memperkukuhkan Pakatan Rakyat
I m now attending Seminar Memperkukuhkan Pakatan Rakyat now in Tropicana Club, PJ. Anwar had just delivered his keynote address and Hadi is now speaking...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Setting up of Teoh Beng Hock Trust Fund
Purpose: To look after living, medical, education and other financial needs of the unborn child of late Sdr Teoh Beng Hock.
Bank account: Public Bank (Cawangan Sri Kembangan) A/C No.: 3154 127 533
This is the ONLY trust fund set up for the welfare of Sdr Teoh’s unborn child. The family has not given consent for the setting up of any other fund for this purpose.
Purpose: To look after living, medical, education and other financial needs of the unborn child of late Sdr Teoh Beng Hock.
Bank account: Public Bank (Cawangan Sri Kembangan) A/C No.: 3154 127 533
This is the ONLY trust fund set up for the welfare of Sdr Teoh’s unborn child. The family has not given consent for the setting up of any other fund for this purpose.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Candle Light Vigil at MACC Perak
DAPSY Perak will be organzing a Candle Light Vigil at MACC Perak on 18.07.2009 @ 8.15pm. Please wear black and bring own candles.
We want to demand for a proper answer over Sdr. Teo's tragedy at MACC.
Please come in full force.
Death in MACC Custody
It is most shocking to learn that Sdr. Teo Beng Hock had found death from fall at MACC Headquarters. How can this happen? The strange efficiency of MACC in handling Selangor DUN allocations issue had killed a life. MACC owes the People a full explanation!
I still can't believe this can happen.
Condolence to the family of Sdr. Teo Beng Hock.
I still can't believe this can happen.
Condolence to the family of Sdr. Teo Beng Hock.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Tonight: DAP Canning Dinner 2009
DAP Canning Dinner 2009
Date: 12.07.2009
Time: 7.00pm
Venue: Restaurant Hee Loi Ton, Ipoh
Speakers: (in sequence) Kula, Teo Nie CHing, Wong Kah Woh, Ngeh Koo Ham, Nga Kor Ming
Programmes: Performance by Dance Centre, Ipoh
Date: 12.07.2009
Time: 7.00pm
Venue: Restaurant Hee Loi Ton, Ipoh
Speakers: (in sequence) Kula, Teo Nie CHing, Wong Kah Woh, Ngeh Koo Ham, Nga Kor Ming
Programmes: Performance by Dance Centre, Ipoh
Monday, June 29, 2009
Press Statement by LGE on Kg Buah Pala Issue
Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Georgetown On 30.6.2009.
Hindraf Must Wake Up And Realise That Kampung Buah Pala Is Still Standing Today Because The Penang Pakatan Rakyat State Government Had Successfully Prevented Them From Been Evicted In The Middle Of Last Year.
Hindraf Must Wake Up And Realise That Kampung Buah Pala Is Still Standing Today Because The Penang Pakatan Rakyat State Government Had Successfully Prevented Them From Been Evicted In The Middle Of Last Year.
The Penang Pakatan Rakyat state government has never consented nor approved any demolition of Kampung Buah Pala. Any action taken is by the private developer via a court order issued by the relevant courts.
Up to RM 200,000 per family was offered by the developer to the residents which was accepted by many families but not by those remaining in Kampung Buah Pala. The state government respected the decision of those remaining in Kampung Buah Pala to reject any compensation offer and to fight it out in courts.
If the state government had not been sympathetic to the plight of the residents, then the developer would have evicted the residents in the middle of last year when a court order was obtained. Only the determined preventive efforts by Penang DCM2 Professor P Ramasamy and Penang State EXCO Abdul Malek stopped the developer from entering the village with bulldozers several times last year.
All parties must therefore realise that it is only because of the efforts of the present Pakatan Rakyat state government that the Kampung Buah Pala residents are still living there.
Koh Tsu Koon Owes The Public A Full Explanation Why He Sold The Kampung Buah Pala At A Cheap Price Of Only RM 10 Per Square Feet In 2007 And Without consulting the residents.
The state government land of Kampung Buah Pala was approved to Koperasi Pegawai Kerajaan Pulau Pinang twice by the BN Penang state EXCO led by Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon on 18.8.2004 and 8.6.2005 with a premium of RM 6.42 million or RM 20 per square feet. I can not understand neither the rationale of approving this project without consulting the residents nor selling it at such a low price.
Worse Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon’s EXCO reduced the premium further by 50% to RM 3.21 million or only RM 10 per square feet on the recommendation of the UMNO Deputy Chief Minister. Koh Tsu Koon owes the public a full explanation why he sold Kampung Buah Pala at a cheap price of only RM 10 per square feet in 2007 when the market price in this prime area is many times over and without consulting the residents.
The Penang State Government Should Not Be Unfairly Victimised And Targeted By Hindraf For Helping The Kampung Buah Pala Residents.
It is BN, Gerakan, MIC, UMNO & MCA that are the main culprits for causing, abandoning and even selling out Kampung Buah Pala residents.
The Penang state government regrets the highly irresponsible and irrational actions of Hindraf in targeting the Penang state government over the actions taken by the developer to evict residents in Kampung Buah Pala. Hindraf wants the state government to act against the court order obtained by the developer to evict the residents. This the state government can not do as Pakatan Rakyat governs under the rule of law and is compelled to respect any court order issued.
On the other hand, there have been suggestions that the Penang state government forcibly acquires the land under for a public purpose under the Land Acquisition Act. Doing so would play into the hands into the developer who would be able to reap enormous profits without putting in a single cent. Much as the Penang state government would wish to do, cancelling the project and forcibly acquiring the land would incur costs beyond the financial capability of the state government. We are NOT talking about millions of ringgit or tens of millions of ringgit here!
Clearly Hindraf is unable to distinguish who its friends are by likening such actions to UMNO’s tearing down of Hindu temple. And yet Hindraf does not organise nation-wide protests for the recent tearing down Hindu temples in Kuala Lumpur. The Penang state government should not be unfairly victimised or targeted by Hindraf when we have assisted the residents and also not involved with the tearing down of any Hindu temple in Penang.
Why is Hindraf not demonstrating against UMNO or Gerakan or MCA or even MIC who are the main culprits and perpetrators behind Kampung Buah Pala? This begs the question whether Hindraf has now been infiltrated by collaborators of MIC and BN when it should be demonstrating against those who demolish temples and not the Penang state government seeking a fair deal for the Kampung Buah Pala villagers.
Hindraf should realise what the Penang state government has done for the Indian community, temples and Tamil primary schools. Not only was the first Indian Deputy Chief Minister II of Penang appointed but the 28 Tamil primary schools were given a yearly allocation of RM 1.5 million along with other Chinese primary, Sekolah Agama Rakyat, missionary schools and Chinese independent secondary schools. Further Penang put up the FIRST Tamil road signs in the country alongside with Arabic, Chinese and English bilingual road signs in Georgetown. Even Hindraf never even raised the issue of Tamil road signs.
By going against the Penang state government, Hindraf is indirectly helping UMNO and BN and putting all the achievements made by the Penang state government at risk. There will be no Indian DCM2, no yearly allocation of funds to Tamil primary schools and no more Tamil road signs or bilingual road signs. Hindraf should use reason not emotions of rage or anger and think again who are the real opponents and the real friends of the Indian community.
Most important of all, the Penang state government treats all Indians together with Chinese and Malays as Malaysian citizens, where a Chinese leader can look after Malays a Malay leader can look after Chinese and an Indian leader can look after all citizens. DAP and the Pakatan Rakyat government will not back down or be cowed by BN, UMNO or Hindraf who continues to look at problems from a narrow racial spectrum of Chinese, Indian of Malays. DAP and the Penang Pakatan Rakyat government believes that the issues of Indians are not Indian problems, the issues of Chinese are not Chinese problems nor the issues of Malays not Malay problems but a Malaysian issue.
We should be uniting together as Malaysians around the principles of justice, truth, freedom, democracy and welfare of the people to ensure that we fight corruption to both generate growth and prosperity as well as ensure that everyone shares equitably.
However despite regretting the unwarranted targeting of the Penang state government, Hindraf leaders have the right to exercise the basic human rights of peaceful assembly by demonstrating no matter how unreasonable they are. I have instructed my officials to respect their rights and accept any memorandum submitted in line with non-violent principles of Mahatma Gandhi that, “violence begets violence, an eye for any eye would leave everyone blind.” I also urge the police not to take any action that would lead to untoward actions.
The state government will also not be affected by the actions of the residents in suddenly turning against the state government despite all the assistance offered. The state government will continue to assist the remaining residents of Kampung Buah Pala, including if the residents so wish, that the developer of Kampung Buah Pala continues with its offer of up to RM 200,000 compensation per registered family to the residents. The state government has also not given any consent or agreement to the developer to demolish any buildings as the developer is acting on his own under the court order from the High Court and Federal Court.
The Penang Pakatan Rakyat state government has never consented nor approved any demolition of Kampung Buah Pala. Any action taken is by the private developer via a court order issued by the relevant courts.
Up to RM 200,000 per family was offered by the developer to the residents which was accepted by many families but not by those remaining in Kampung Buah Pala. The state government respected the decision of those remaining in Kampung Buah Pala to reject any compensation offer and to fight it out in courts.
If the state government had not been sympathetic to the plight of the residents, then the developer would have evicted the residents in the middle of last year when a court order was obtained. Only the determined preventive efforts by Penang DCM2 Professor P Ramasamy and Penang State EXCO Abdul Malek stopped the developer from entering the village with bulldozers several times last year.
All parties must therefore realise that it is only because of the efforts of the present Pakatan Rakyat state government that the Kampung Buah Pala residents are still living there.
Koh Tsu Koon Owes The Public A Full Explanation Why He Sold The Kampung Buah Pala At A Cheap Price Of Only RM 10 Per Square Feet In 2007 And Without consulting the residents.
The state government land of Kampung Buah Pala was approved to Koperasi Pegawai Kerajaan Pulau Pinang twice by the BN Penang state EXCO led by Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon on 18.8.2004 and 8.6.2005 with a premium of RM 6.42 million or RM 20 per square feet. I can not understand neither the rationale of approving this project without consulting the residents nor selling it at such a low price.
Worse Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon’s EXCO reduced the premium further by 50% to RM 3.21 million or only RM 10 per square feet on the recommendation of the UMNO Deputy Chief Minister. Koh Tsu Koon owes the public a full explanation why he sold Kampung Buah Pala at a cheap price of only RM 10 per square feet in 2007 when the market price in this prime area is many times over and without consulting the residents.
The Penang State Government Should Not Be Unfairly Victimised And Targeted By Hindraf For Helping The Kampung Buah Pala Residents.
It is BN, Gerakan, MIC, UMNO & MCA that are the main culprits for causing, abandoning and even selling out Kampung Buah Pala residents.
The Penang state government regrets the highly irresponsible and irrational actions of Hindraf in targeting the Penang state government over the actions taken by the developer to evict residents in Kampung Buah Pala. Hindraf wants the state government to act against the court order obtained by the developer to evict the residents. This the state government can not do as Pakatan Rakyat governs under the rule of law and is compelled to respect any court order issued.
On the other hand, there have been suggestions that the Penang state government forcibly acquires the land under for a public purpose under the Land Acquisition Act. Doing so would play into the hands into the developer who would be able to reap enormous profits without putting in a single cent. Much as the Penang state government would wish to do, cancelling the project and forcibly acquiring the land would incur costs beyond the financial capability of the state government. We are NOT talking about millions of ringgit or tens of millions of ringgit here!
Clearly Hindraf is unable to distinguish who its friends are by likening such actions to UMNO’s tearing down of Hindu temple. And yet Hindraf does not organise nation-wide protests for the recent tearing down Hindu temples in Kuala Lumpur. The Penang state government should not be unfairly victimised or targeted by Hindraf when we have assisted the residents and also not involved with the tearing down of any Hindu temple in Penang.
Why is Hindraf not demonstrating against UMNO or Gerakan or MCA or even MIC who are the main culprits and perpetrators behind Kampung Buah Pala? This begs the question whether Hindraf has now been infiltrated by collaborators of MIC and BN when it should be demonstrating against those who demolish temples and not the Penang state government seeking a fair deal for the Kampung Buah Pala villagers.
Hindraf should realise what the Penang state government has done for the Indian community, temples and Tamil primary schools. Not only was the first Indian Deputy Chief Minister II of Penang appointed but the 28 Tamil primary schools were given a yearly allocation of RM 1.5 million along with other Chinese primary, Sekolah Agama Rakyat, missionary schools and Chinese independent secondary schools. Further Penang put up the FIRST Tamil road signs in the country alongside with Arabic, Chinese and English bilingual road signs in Georgetown. Even Hindraf never even raised the issue of Tamil road signs.
By going against the Penang state government, Hindraf is indirectly helping UMNO and BN and putting all the achievements made by the Penang state government at risk. There will be no Indian DCM2, no yearly allocation of funds to Tamil primary schools and no more Tamil road signs or bilingual road signs. Hindraf should use reason not emotions of rage or anger and think again who are the real opponents and the real friends of the Indian community.
Most important of all, the Penang state government treats all Indians together with Chinese and Malays as Malaysian citizens, where a Chinese leader can look after Malays a Malay leader can look after Chinese and an Indian leader can look after all citizens. DAP and the Pakatan Rakyat government will not back down or be cowed by BN, UMNO or Hindraf who continues to look at problems from a narrow racial spectrum of Chinese, Indian of Malays. DAP and the Penang Pakatan Rakyat government believes that the issues of Indians are not Indian problems, the issues of Chinese are not Chinese problems nor the issues of Malays not Malay problems but a Malaysian issue.
We should be uniting together as Malaysians around the principles of justice, truth, freedom, democracy and welfare of the people to ensure that we fight corruption to both generate growth and prosperity as well as ensure that everyone shares equitably.
However despite regretting the unwarranted targeting of the Penang state government, Hindraf leaders have the right to exercise the basic human rights of peaceful assembly by demonstrating no matter how unreasonable they are. I have instructed my officials to respect their rights and accept any memorandum submitted in line with non-violent principles of Mahatma Gandhi that, “violence begets violence, an eye for any eye would leave everyone blind.” I also urge the police not to take any action that would lead to untoward actions.
The state government will also not be affected by the actions of the residents in suddenly turning against the state government despite all the assistance offered. The state government will continue to assist the remaining residents of Kampung Buah Pala, including if the residents so wish, that the developer of Kampung Buah Pala continues with its offer of up to RM 200,000 compensation per registered family to the residents. The state government has also not given any consent or agreement to the developer to demolish any buildings as the developer is acting on his own under the court order from the High Court and Federal Court.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
DAP Ceramah On PKFZ and Perak Crisis
DAP Ceramah On PKFZ and Perak Crisis
Date: 28.06.2009
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Tow Boo Kiong Hall, Ipoh.
Speakers: Lim Kit Siang, Ngeh Koo Ham, M Kula, Tony Pua, Nga Kor Ming
Moderator: Wong Kah Woh
Admission Free!!!
Date: 28.06.2009
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Tow Boo Kiong Hall, Ipoh.
Speakers: Lim Kit Siang, Ngeh Koo Ham, M Kula, Tony Pua, Nga Kor Ming
Moderator: Wong Kah Woh
Admission Free!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Police raided DAP HQ
Police raided the DAP national headquarters for the first time ever this evening, carting away a computer and 19 digital video discs (DVDs).
The search and seizure, made without a warrant, was in relation to leaflets found when arrests were made during a candle-light vigil two nights ago in Pandan Indah, Kuala Lumpur, calling for fresh polls in Perak.
It is the latest in a series of crackdowns on Pakatan Rakyat (PR) attempts to gain public support on the Perak crisis which includes repeated arrests and banning of videos of the chaotic May 7 Perak assembly sitting where Speaker V. Sivakumar was dumped.
"First time in the 42-year history of DAP, police raiding our HQ," DAP veteran leader Lim Kit Siang posted in his Twitter account.
Three unmarked cars arrived at the headquarters and 11 plainclothes officers entered the building on the quiet Jalan 20/9 residential area in Petaling Jaya at 6.25pm.
They had brought Ooi Leng Hang, a party worker and one of the detainees from that night, who gave them the password to unlock the digital lock on the front door.
The handcuffed Ooi, who is DAP Socialist Youth political education chief, then led the police to his workstation, where police began to detail the items on his desk to be taken away.
They include his computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, earphones, external hard drives and DVDs including those related to the May 7 assembly and one labelled "Photos of Port Dickson Camp."
Treasurer Fong Kui Lun and vice-chairman Tan Kok Wai were the first DAP lawmakers to arrive at about 6.50pm followed by lawyers Gobind Singh Deo and Lim Lip Eng.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Extraordinary Judges...
I was in Ipoh Court this morning. One of the Judge when seeing me in the Chambers, had commented that “Cecil’s (Zambry’s lawyer) submission yesterday was weak.”
Even if that is the case, would the Judge (who had passed such a comment) will decide in favour of Nizar?
I then asked myself another question: “Does Zambry really needs a good submission for the Court? Or you need just some ‘good’ judges”
Sulaiman Abdullah had rightfully said: “We have extraordinary judges with extraordinary ability”
Even if that is the case, would the Judge (who had passed such a comment) will decide in favour of Nizar?
I then asked myself another question: “Does Zambry really needs a good submission for the Court? Or you need just some ‘good’ judges”
Sulaiman Abdullah had rightfully said: “We have extraordinary judges with extraordinary ability”
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
This weekend...
14.05.2009 8.oopm: Forum on "Perak Crisis, One Black Malaysia" at Penang
15.05.2009 7.30pm: DAP HQ DAPSY NEC Meeting
16-17.05.2009 8.30am to 5.00pm: DAP National 2-days-Retreat at Palace of the Golden Horses
15.05.2009 7.30pm: DAP HQ DAPSY NEC Meeting
16-17.05.2009 8.30am to 5.00pm: DAP National 2-days-Retreat at Palace of the Golden Horses
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Situation stalled... why cracking your head?
Problem 1:
Nizar had been pronounced as the rightful MB in Perak, so he should be allowed to carry on his duty as a MB.
Zambry obtained an order for stay of execution of KL High Court’s decision, so Nizar can no longer carry on his duty as MB.
KL High Court’s decision remains good and intact, until being overturned by the Court of Appeal. The stay of execution does not in any way overturn the decision. So, Zambry is NOT the legitimate MB.
If Zambry is not the legitimate MB, he cannot enter MB office.
If there is a stay of execution, Nizar cannot enter MB office.
From 2 MBs in Perak, the People of Perak now have NO Menteri Besar.
Situation stalled.
Problem 2:
KL High Court pronounced Nizar as the rightful MB. Only a motion of no-confidence in the Dewan can remove him.
Zambry can only legitimatize himself by moving a motion of no-confidence against Nizar in the Dewan.
If Zambry moves a motion of no-confidence in the Dewan, it means Zambry is recognizing Nizar as the MB.
If Zambry moves a motion of no-confidence in the Dewan, it means Zambry admits he is not the MB.
If Zambry is not the MB, he should not occupy the MB office now.
As such, Zambry cannot move a motion of no-confidence against Nizar.
As such, Nizar cannot be removed.
Situation stalled.
Why cracking your head?
Why cracking your head? Dissolve the Assembly and return the mandate to the People.
In a democracy country, it is the People’s choice, not BN PR or the Court’s choice.
Nizar had been pronounced as the rightful MB in Perak, so he should be allowed to carry on his duty as a MB.
Zambry obtained an order for stay of execution of KL High Court’s decision, so Nizar can no longer carry on his duty as MB.
KL High Court’s decision remains good and intact, until being overturned by the Court of Appeal. The stay of execution does not in any way overturn the decision. So, Zambry is NOT the legitimate MB.
If Zambry is not the legitimate MB, he cannot enter MB office.
If there is a stay of execution, Nizar cannot enter MB office.
From 2 MBs in Perak, the People of Perak now have NO Menteri Besar.
Situation stalled.
Problem 2:
KL High Court pronounced Nizar as the rightful MB. Only a motion of no-confidence in the Dewan can remove him.
Zambry can only legitimatize himself by moving a motion of no-confidence against Nizar in the Dewan.
If Zambry moves a motion of no-confidence in the Dewan, it means Zambry is recognizing Nizar as the MB.
If Zambry moves a motion of no-confidence in the Dewan, it means Zambry admits he is not the MB.
If Zambry is not the MB, he should not occupy the MB office now.
As such, Zambry cannot move a motion of no-confidence against Nizar.
As such, Nizar cannot be removed.
Situation stalled.
Why cracking your head?
Why cracking your head? Dissolve the Assembly and return the mandate to the People.
In a democracy country, it is the People’s choice, not BN PR or the Court’s choice.
Monday, May 11, 2009
FRU and Water Cannons deployed, again....
About 8 FRU trucks of different sizes including the water cannon ones are deploying at the back of SUK. Is there such a need?
Return the mandate to the People...
My phones are flooded with calls. Both phones also out of battery.
It is not difficult to understand the happiness of the People, after a long awaited moment since 205. Without the support from the People, we will not be able to stand until today. The People of Perak are great!
As we always stress, we are not seeking for the Court to declare we are the rightful Government. We are only seeking for the Court to interpret the correct position of law. Finally the High Court of Kuala Lumpur had restored some losing confidence for the Judiciary. It is undisputable a brave Judgment.
Now, even though legitimately we can go back to the MB and EXCOs’ office, but we will stick to our promise. We are going to return the mandate back to the People. Let the People of Perak decide which Government they want, whether a BN or a PR one.
It is not difficult to understand the happiness of the People, after a long awaited moment since 205. Without the support from the People, we will not be able to stand until today. The People of Perak are great!
As we always stress, we are not seeking for the Court to declare we are the rightful Government. We are only seeking for the Court to interpret the correct position of law. Finally the High Court of Kuala Lumpur had restored some losing confidence for the Judiciary. It is undisputable a brave Judgment.
Now, even though legitimately we can go back to the MB and EXCOs’ office, but we will stick to our promise. We are going to return the mandate back to the People. Let the People of Perak decide which Government they want, whether a BN or a PR one.
KL High Court: Nizar still the rightful MB
The KL High Court had on today pronounced that Nizar is still the legitimate MB for Perak. Let's go for a fresh election in Perak!!! Return the mandate back to the People!!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Experience on 07.05.2009 to share: Part 2 Abdullah Antong
Abdullah Antong, the sacked-Dewan Secretary. His name appeared more than the Dato’ SS in thie Perak’s crisis when comes to the issue of Dewan sitting. He was the one purportedly issued a statement on 02.03.2009, a day before the Tree’s Assembly, saying that the Assembly is illegal. I believed there are someone behind the statement issued.
We do not blame him. He is a Government Servant, under the strict instructions from the BN-biased Dato’ SS. He is doing everything, rightfully or wrongfully, under the pressure of Dato’ SS.
On 07.5.2009, he tried to start off the Assembly with the usual Prayer (Doa), in defiance of the Speaker’s directions that the Assembly shall not start if the suspended 7 and resigned 3 had not left the Assembly hall.
As the Bentara refused to listen to the Speaker’s instructions, we the PR reps have no choice but to proceed towards Abdullah Antong and stop him. BN’s reps were trying to get him to their seats (which the microphone well functioning) to start off the sitting. We tried our best to stop him.
As I was following Abdullah Antong every second and every movement, I can notice that the State Secretary was using very hard pressure on him. The words used against Abdullah by Dato’ SS, though cannot be classified as bad and vulgar, were far more than the words necessary to be employed by a normal Boss in giving instructions to an Employee. Dato’ SS did not treat him as his staff, not at all.
In some BN-friendly’s decisions made by Abdullah Antong during this Crisis, he was always made a scape goat. There was always a man behind him, who is a coward and dare not come forward to declare his stance.
We do not blame him. He is a Government Servant, under the strict instructions from the BN-biased Dato’ SS. He is doing everything, rightfully or wrongfully, under the pressure of Dato’ SS.
On 07.5.2009, he tried to start off the Assembly with the usual Prayer (Doa), in defiance of the Speaker’s directions that the Assembly shall not start if the suspended 7 and resigned 3 had not left the Assembly hall.
As the Bentara refused to listen to the Speaker’s instructions, we the PR reps have no choice but to proceed towards Abdullah Antong and stop him. BN’s reps were trying to get him to their seats (which the microphone well functioning) to start off the sitting. We tried our best to stop him.
As I was following Abdullah Antong every second and every movement, I can notice that the State Secretary was using very hard pressure on him. The words used against Abdullah by Dato’ SS, though cannot be classified as bad and vulgar, were far more than the words necessary to be employed by a normal Boss in giving instructions to an Employee. Dato’ SS did not treat him as his staff, not at all.
In some BN-friendly’s decisions made by Abdullah Antong during this Crisis, he was always made a scape goat. There was always a man behind him, who is a coward and dare not come forward to declare his stance.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Pepper Spray, key chain or pendrive?

Our ADUN Aulong, Yew Tian Hoe had complaint that he was being sprayed pepper yesterday by someone during the tussle at the Assembly yesterday.
The whole action was caught on video which was later reported by 8TV. The culprit is the defected Hee Yit Foong.
It was reported by Malaysiakini that she denied it was a pepper spray. She said “it might be a key chain or a pendrive”.
At the first place, can’t she properly identify and suppose to know what was she holding at that time?
The whole action was caught on video which was later reported by 8TV. The culprit is the defected Hee Yit Foong.
It was reported by Malaysiakini that she denied it was a pepper spray. She said “it might be a key chain or a pendrive”.
At the first place, can’t she properly identify and suppose to know what was she holding at that time?
Let’s look at the photo to see if you have a similar “key chain” or “pendrive” as claimed by HYF.
Experience on 07.05.2009 to share: Part 1 Dato' SS...
Thanks for all your comments despite the change of blog’s address which had caused certain inconvenience to some of you. My apology.
Indeed I have a lot of things to share with all of you here. I will make it as short, precise and simple as possible. Reading long article will make us bored. Let me go one by one
The Dato’ State Secretary
He is the man behind all the Civil Servant’s action yesterday. He can be seen to have instructed the sacked-Dewan Secretary Abdullah Antong all the time, giving him some hard words in pushing him to start the Prayer despite of the Speaker’s direction that the sitting will not start until Zambry and the rest leave the hall as instructed.
He was seen moving around giving instructions ever since the Speaker was speaking. There is no de corum at all. No respect from him to the Speaker.
A lot of People may ask how powerful the State Secretary is. The answer is, to put it simple, he is the No. 1 man in the SUK Building. All staffs and admin are under him.
As such, it is hard to see if there are any staff of SUK dares to go against him, although we know that a lot of them have preferred us than BN.
Yet, maybe he has forgotten that, the floor at the Sitting Dewan is and should be under the Speaker’s directive and not any other.
He may have also forgotten, it is the Rakyat who pays his salary and not Barisan Nasional.
Just to add here. He is the one who had issued notice to the PR State EXCOs to leave their rooms (without the new Government, legal or illegal, being formed) immediately after Tuanku’s announcement of refusal to the dissolution of the sitting.
He is the one who had issued a “close-door” order to the Public on 02.03.2009 in order to prevent our 03.03.2009 sitting.
He is the one who had given instruction to the OCPD for getting the Police and FRUs to block us from entering the SUK on 03.03.2009.
If anyone has anything to share with him, he can be reached at 019-5568885.
Indeed I have a lot of things to share with all of you here. I will make it as short, precise and simple as possible. Reading long article will make us bored. Let me go one by one
The Dato’ State Secretary
He is the man behind all the Civil Servant’s action yesterday. He can be seen to have instructed the sacked-Dewan Secretary Abdullah Antong all the time, giving him some hard words in pushing him to start the Prayer despite of the Speaker’s direction that the sitting will not start until Zambry and the rest leave the hall as instructed.
He was seen moving around giving instructions ever since the Speaker was speaking. There is no de corum at all. No respect from him to the Speaker.
A lot of People may ask how powerful the State Secretary is. The answer is, to put it simple, he is the No. 1 man in the SUK Building. All staffs and admin are under him.
As such, it is hard to see if there are any staff of SUK dares to go against him, although we know that a lot of them have preferred us than BN.
Yet, maybe he has forgotten that, the floor at the Sitting Dewan is and should be under the Speaker’s directive and not any other.
He may have also forgotten, it is the Rakyat who pays his salary and not Barisan Nasional.
Just to add here. He is the one who had issued notice to the PR State EXCOs to leave their rooms (without the new Government, legal or illegal, being formed) immediately after Tuanku’s announcement of refusal to the dissolution of the sitting.
He is the one who had issued a “close-door” order to the Public on 02.03.2009 in order to prevent our 03.03.2009 sitting.
He is the one who had given instruction to the OCPD for getting the Police and FRUs to block us from entering the SUK on 03.03.2009.
If anyone has anything to share with him, he can be reached at 019-5568885.
To share more with you all later.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Ganesan left the Hall...
Ganesan had purportedly announced that the sitting to be adjourned for another hour and left the Hall. The Speaker V Sivakumar is still sitting at the Speaker's seat, maintaining his stance that he will not start the sitiing until Zambry & 6 together with defected and resigned Hee, Osman dan Jamaluddin adhere to his order to leave the Assembly Hall.
Assembly stalled...
The State Assembly is now stalled. All parties seated at their own place. Again, it has proven that the Assembly can no longer function.
Sitting at the lobby outside Dewan...
The PR elected reps are being refrained from entering the Assembly hall. We are made to wait outside at the lobby. The Assembly Hall's are all locked. The personnel said have to wait for Tuanku to come.
The most ridiculous incident jst now was, when we came out from the lift, a police officer straight away addressed us "YB!". The next thing they asked "Whether you have a Pass? If not, you are not allowed to be in." I replied them: "You can recognise us as the elected reps, why are you not allowing us to do so?"
The personnel informed us that the directions came from Dato' SS. Hey, don't hide behind the on-duty officers. Come out and explain you action to the People.
8 hours to the sitting...
Road blocks were set up. Dato' SS was seen together with the Police, checking each and every one of the car trying to go to SUK direction fom DR Park roundabout. They were seen allowing a Mercedez ML 240 to get in and rejected the rest.
12 hours before sitting...
It is now 12 hours away before the next sitting. I was always excited when the sitting comes. Eagerly and desperately waiting for the chance to speak in the Dewan. A chance to speak for the People of Canning which I have promised everyone during election.
Yet, at this round, it is not so.
Not that I no longer want to speak for the People. Not that I am not prepared. It is because the current situation in this lovely state of Perak.
We do not know what will happen tomorrow morning. The Police started to block all the roads along SUK. The Court given an injunction for gathering near SUK. The IGP said that People cannot wear black tomorrow.
What is happening?
Why not just return the mandate to the People?
Yet, at this round, it is not so.
Not that I no longer want to speak for the People. Not that I am not prepared. It is because the current situation in this lovely state of Perak.
We do not know what will happen tomorrow morning. The Police started to block all the roads along SUK. The Court given an injunction for gathering near SUK. The IGP said that People cannot wear black tomorrow.
What is happening?
Why not just return the mandate to the People?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Zambry dan 6 lain tidak berhak untuk menghadiri DUN
Keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan pada 16 April 2009 tidak membenarkan Dato’ Seri Zambry bin Abdul Kadir & 6 ADUN yang lain memasuki Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak pada 7 Mei 2009
Banyak kekeliruan telah timbul akibat daripada keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan pada 16/4/2009 ,samada Dato’ Seri Zambry bin Abdul Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang lain berhak untuk masuk ke Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak pada 7 Mei 2009.
Penjelasan berikut jelas menunjukkan bahawa Dato’ Seri Zambry bin Abdul Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang lain tidak berhak untuk memasuki Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak pada 7 Mei 2009
Pada 18/2/2009 Jawatankuasa hak dan kebebasan Dewan Negeri telah membuat keputusan untuk mengantungkan ADUN Pangkor, Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir ( gelaran seperti pada masa itu ) daripada menghadiri sidang Dewan Negeri selama 18 bulan dan Encik Zainol Fadzi Bin Haji Paharuddin (ADUN Sungai Manik), Dato’ Ramly Zahari (ADUN Manong), Puan Hamidah Binti Osman (ADUN Sungai Rapat), Encik Saarani Bin Mohamad (ADUN Rungkup), Encik Mohd Zahir Abdul Bin Khalid (ADUN Kamunting) dan Dr Mah Hang Soon (ADUN Chenderiang) digantung daripada hadir sidang Dewan Negeri selama 12 bulan.
Keputusan Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan Dewan Negeri tersebut telah diterima dan diluluskan oleh Dewan Undangan Negeri yang telah bersidang pada 3/3/2009.
Pihak Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang tersebut di atas telah memohon kepada mahkamah untuk satu pengisytiharan berkenaan dengan penggantungan mereka daripada menghadiri Dewan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan . Mereka telah mengambil tindakan mahkamah tersebut terhadap Speaker DUN dan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan kes tersebut telah dirujuk kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan untuk perbicaraan. Walau bagaimanapun, pada 2/4/2009 mereka telah memohon menarik balik tindakan mahkamah tersebut terhadap Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan tindakan terhadap Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan telah dibatalkan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan pada hari tersebut.
Pada 16/4/2009, Mahkamah Persekutuan hanya membenarkan 2 daripada 10 perintah-perintah yang dipohon oleh mereka dan sekarang sudah timbul persoalan samada Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang tersebut di atas boleh menghadiri Mesyuarat sidang Dewan Negeri yang akan diadakan pada 7/5/2009.
Mahkamah Persekutuan telah membenarkan dua perisytiharan seperti berikut:-
1. Bahawa keputusan Speaker DUN menggantung Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir daripada menghadiri Dewan Undangan Negeri selama 18 bulan adalah tidak sah dan terbatal.
2. Bahawa keputusan Speaker DUN menggantung 6 ADUN yang tersebut di atas daripada menghadiri Dewan Undangan Negeri selama 12 bulan adalah tidak sah dan terbatal.
Keputusan di atas adalah tersilap kerana bukan Speaker DUN yang telah membuat keputusan penggantungan tersebut tetapi Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan Dewan Undangan Negeri dan Dewan Undangan Negeri yang telah memutuskan tentang penggantungan tersebut.
Oleh yang demikian, keputusan Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan dan Dewan Undangan Negeri masih sah dan berkuatkuasa dan Speaker DUN sebagai pengerusi dan ahli dalam Jawatankuasa tersebut dan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan adalah terikat dengan keputusan yang telah diputuskan oleh kedua-dua badan tersebut.
Sebenarnya kes tersebut tidak harus dibawa terhadap Speaker DUN kerana perlindungan yang diberikan kepada Speaker DUN di bawah Seksyen 3 Legislative Assembly (Privileges) Enactment 1959 yang berbunyi seperti berikut:-
“No member shall be liable to any civil or criminal proceedings, arrest, imprisonment, or damages by reason of any matter or thing which he may have brought by petition, bill, resolution, motion or otherwise, or have said before the Assembly or any committee”.
Tambahan pula, keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan merupakan satu pengistiharan sahaja dan bukannya satu certiorari atau mandamus. Ia tidak mengikat Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan Dewan Undangan Negeri dan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan.
Perkara 72 Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperuntukkan tentang keistimewaan Dewan Negeri dan Perkara 72(1) memperuntukkan seperti berikut:-
Keistimewaan Dewan Negeri
“Sahnya apa-apa perjalanan dalam mana-mana Dewan Negeri tidak boleh dipersoal dalam mana-mana mahkamah”.
Tindakan Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN tersebut terhadap Speaker DUN juga adalah bertentangan dengan Perkara 72(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang berbunyi seperti berikut:-
“Tiada seseorang pun boleh dikena dakwa dalam apa-apa jua pembicaraan dalam mana-mana mahkamah mengenai apa-apa jua yang dikatakan atau apa-apa undi yang diberi olehnya apabila mengambil bahagian dalam perjalanan mana-mana Dewan Negeri atau mana-mana jawatankuasanya”.
Apa yang memperkukuhkan kesimpulan bahawa Dato’ Zambry bin Abdul Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang lain tidak berhak menghadiri Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak pada 7 Mei 2009 ialah kerana Mahkamah Persekutuan telah MENOLAK permohonan Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN tersebut untuk perintah-perintah berikut:-
1. suatu perisytiharan bahawa Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN tersebut adalah berhak menghadiri dan mengambil bahagian dalam semua sidang Dewan Negeri dan menjalankan segala fungsi dan kewajipan mereka dalamnya;
2. suatu perisytiharan bahawa keputusan Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir menghadir pada sidang Dewan Negeri selama 18 bulan, adalah ultra vires Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan, Perintah-Perintah Tetap Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan Enakmen Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan (Keistimewaan) 1959 dan/atau semua undang-undang yang berkaitan dan oleh itu adalah terbatal dan tak sah;
3. suatu perisytiharan bahawa perbuatan Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir menghadiri sidang Dewan Negeri Perak selama 18 bulan adalah menyalahi undang-undang.
4. suatu perisytiharan bahawa keputusan patik Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang kenam-enam ADUN di atas menghadiri sidang Dewan Negeri selama 12 bulan adalah ultra vires Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan, Perintah-Perintah tetap Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan Enakmen Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan (Keistimewaan) 1959 dan/atau semua undang-undang yang berkaitan dan oleh itu adalah terbatal dan tak sah;
5. suatu perisytiharan bahawa perbuatan Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang keenam-enam ADUN yang tersebut di atas menghadiri sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri selama 12 bulan adalah menyalahi undang-undang;
6. suatu perisytiharan bahawa Dewan Undangan Negeri adalah tidak terikat dengan keputusan Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN tersebut menghadiri sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri;
7. suatu perisytiharan bahawa Dewan Undangan Negeri adalah tidak terikat dengan apa-apa arahan, perintah dan/atau petunjuk Speaker DUN yang berbangkit daripada atau berhubung dengan keputusan patik yang bertarikh 17hb Februari 2009.
8. bahawa Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri pada 3/3/2009 adalah tidak mengikut undang-undang (unlawful).
Keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan telah ditafsirkan oleh peguam-peguam Pakatan Rakyat sebagai Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN lain tersebut tidak berhak untuk menghadiri Dewan Undangan Negeri dan keputusan Dewan Undangan Negeri pada 3/3/2009 dianggap sah.
Bertarikh 5 hb Mei 2009
Dato Ngeh Koo Ham
Exco Kanan Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat
Negeri Perak
Penyelaras Pasukan Peguam-Peguam
Penjelasan berikut jelas menunjukkan bahawa Dato’ Seri Zambry bin Abdul Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang lain tidak berhak untuk memasuki Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak pada 7 Mei 2009
Pada 18/2/2009 Jawatankuasa hak dan kebebasan Dewan Negeri telah membuat keputusan untuk mengantungkan ADUN Pangkor, Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir ( gelaran seperti pada masa itu ) daripada menghadiri sidang Dewan Negeri selama 18 bulan dan Encik Zainol Fadzi Bin Haji Paharuddin (ADUN Sungai Manik), Dato’ Ramly Zahari (ADUN Manong), Puan Hamidah Binti Osman (ADUN Sungai Rapat), Encik Saarani Bin Mohamad (ADUN Rungkup), Encik Mohd Zahir Abdul Bin Khalid (ADUN Kamunting) dan Dr Mah Hang Soon (ADUN Chenderiang) digantung daripada hadir sidang Dewan Negeri selama 12 bulan.
Keputusan Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan Dewan Negeri tersebut telah diterima dan diluluskan oleh Dewan Undangan Negeri yang telah bersidang pada 3/3/2009.
Pihak Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang tersebut di atas telah memohon kepada mahkamah untuk satu pengisytiharan berkenaan dengan penggantungan mereka daripada menghadiri Dewan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan . Mereka telah mengambil tindakan mahkamah tersebut terhadap Speaker DUN dan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan kes tersebut telah dirujuk kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan untuk perbicaraan. Walau bagaimanapun, pada 2/4/2009 mereka telah memohon menarik balik tindakan mahkamah tersebut terhadap Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan tindakan terhadap Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan telah dibatalkan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan pada hari tersebut.
Pada 16/4/2009, Mahkamah Persekutuan hanya membenarkan 2 daripada 10 perintah-perintah yang dipohon oleh mereka dan sekarang sudah timbul persoalan samada Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang tersebut di atas boleh menghadiri Mesyuarat sidang Dewan Negeri yang akan diadakan pada 7/5/2009.
Mahkamah Persekutuan telah membenarkan dua perisytiharan seperti berikut:-
1. Bahawa keputusan Speaker DUN menggantung Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir daripada menghadiri Dewan Undangan Negeri selama 18 bulan adalah tidak sah dan terbatal.
2. Bahawa keputusan Speaker DUN menggantung 6 ADUN yang tersebut di atas daripada menghadiri Dewan Undangan Negeri selama 12 bulan adalah tidak sah dan terbatal.
Keputusan di atas adalah tersilap kerana bukan Speaker DUN yang telah membuat keputusan penggantungan tersebut tetapi Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan Dewan Undangan Negeri dan Dewan Undangan Negeri yang telah memutuskan tentang penggantungan tersebut.
Oleh yang demikian, keputusan Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan dan Dewan Undangan Negeri masih sah dan berkuatkuasa dan Speaker DUN sebagai pengerusi dan ahli dalam Jawatankuasa tersebut dan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan adalah terikat dengan keputusan yang telah diputuskan oleh kedua-dua badan tersebut.
Sebenarnya kes tersebut tidak harus dibawa terhadap Speaker DUN kerana perlindungan yang diberikan kepada Speaker DUN di bawah Seksyen 3 Legislative Assembly (Privileges) Enactment 1959 yang berbunyi seperti berikut:-
“No member shall be liable to any civil or criminal proceedings, arrest, imprisonment, or damages by reason of any matter or thing which he may have brought by petition, bill, resolution, motion or otherwise, or have said before the Assembly or any committee”.
Tambahan pula, keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan merupakan satu pengistiharan sahaja dan bukannya satu certiorari atau mandamus. Ia tidak mengikat Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan Dewan Undangan Negeri dan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan.
Perkara 72 Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperuntukkan tentang keistimewaan Dewan Negeri dan Perkara 72(1) memperuntukkan seperti berikut:-
Keistimewaan Dewan Negeri
“Sahnya apa-apa perjalanan dalam mana-mana Dewan Negeri tidak boleh dipersoal dalam mana-mana mahkamah”.
Tindakan Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN tersebut terhadap Speaker DUN juga adalah bertentangan dengan Perkara 72(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang berbunyi seperti berikut:-
“Tiada seseorang pun boleh dikena dakwa dalam apa-apa jua pembicaraan dalam mana-mana mahkamah mengenai apa-apa jua yang dikatakan atau apa-apa undi yang diberi olehnya apabila mengambil bahagian dalam perjalanan mana-mana Dewan Negeri atau mana-mana jawatankuasanya”.
Apa yang memperkukuhkan kesimpulan bahawa Dato’ Zambry bin Abdul Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang lain tidak berhak menghadiri Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak pada 7 Mei 2009 ialah kerana Mahkamah Persekutuan telah MENOLAK permohonan Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN tersebut untuk perintah-perintah berikut:-
1. suatu perisytiharan bahawa Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN tersebut adalah berhak menghadiri dan mengambil bahagian dalam semua sidang Dewan Negeri dan menjalankan segala fungsi dan kewajipan mereka dalamnya;
2. suatu perisytiharan bahawa keputusan Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir menghadir pada sidang Dewan Negeri selama 18 bulan, adalah ultra vires Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan, Perintah-Perintah Tetap Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan Enakmen Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan (Keistimewaan) 1959 dan/atau semua undang-undang yang berkaitan dan oleh itu adalah terbatal dan tak sah;
3. suatu perisytiharan bahawa perbuatan Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir menghadiri sidang Dewan Negeri Perak selama 18 bulan adalah menyalahi undang-undang.
4. suatu perisytiharan bahawa keputusan patik Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang kenam-enam ADUN di atas menghadiri sidang Dewan Negeri selama 12 bulan adalah ultra vires Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan, Perintah-Perintah tetap Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan Enakmen Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan (Keistimewaan) 1959 dan/atau semua undang-undang yang berkaitan dan oleh itu adalah terbatal dan tak sah;
5. suatu perisytiharan bahawa perbuatan Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang keenam-enam ADUN yang tersebut di atas menghadiri sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri selama 12 bulan adalah menyalahi undang-undang;
6. suatu perisytiharan bahawa Dewan Undangan Negeri adalah tidak terikat dengan keputusan Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN tersebut menghadiri sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri;
7. suatu perisytiharan bahawa Dewan Undangan Negeri adalah tidak terikat dengan apa-apa arahan, perintah dan/atau petunjuk Speaker DUN yang berbangkit daripada atau berhubung dengan keputusan patik yang bertarikh 17hb Februari 2009.
8. bahawa Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri pada 3/3/2009 adalah tidak mengikut undang-undang (unlawful).
Keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan telah ditafsirkan oleh peguam-peguam Pakatan Rakyat sebagai Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN lain tersebut tidak berhak untuk menghadiri Dewan Undangan Negeri dan keputusan Dewan Undangan Negeri pada 3/3/2009 dianggap sah.
Bertarikh 5 hb Mei 2009
Dato Ngeh Koo Ham
Exco Kanan Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat
Negeri Perak
Penyelaras Pasukan Peguam-Peguam
1. 州议会议长禁止赞比里进入州议会长达18个月的决定是不合法以及撤销;
2. 州议会议长禁止6名行政议员进入州议会长达12个月的决定是不合法以及撤销。
1. 一项宣布表示拿督赞比里以及6名州议员有权力出席以及参与州议会卡会,并进行他们在州议会里面的角色以及责任;
2. 一项宣布表示州议会议长禁止拿督赞比里出席州议会长达18个月,是违反霹雳州宪法、议会常以及立法议会(特权)法令或其他相关法律,所以是不合法以及被撤销;
3. 一项宣布表示州议会议长禁止拿督赞比里出席州议会开会18个月的做法是违反法律的;
4. 一项宣布表示州议会议长禁止上述6名州议员出席州议会长达12个月,是违反霹雳州宪法、议会常以及立法议会(特权)法令或其他相关法律,所以是不合法以及被撤销;
5. 一项宣布表示州议会议长禁止6名州议员出席州议会开会12个月的做法是违反法律的;
6. 一项宣布表示州议会并没有受到州议会议长禁止拿督赞比里以及6名州议员进入州议会开会的决定所约束;
7. 一项宣布表示州议会并没有受到州议会议长在2009年2月17日所作出或有关的任何指示、谕令所约束;
8. 2009年3月3日的州议会是不合法的。
1. 州议会议长禁止赞比里进入州议会长达18个月的决定是不合法以及撤销;
2. 州议会议长禁止6名行政议员进入州议会长达12个月的决定是不合法以及撤销。
1. 一项宣布表示拿督赞比里以及6名州议员有权力出席以及参与州议会卡会,并进行他们在州议会里面的角色以及责任;
2. 一项宣布表示州议会议长禁止拿督赞比里出席州议会长达18个月,是违反霹雳州宪法、议会常以及立法议会(特权)法令或其他相关法律,所以是不合法以及被撤销;
3. 一项宣布表示州议会议长禁止拿督赞比里出席州议会开会18个月的做法是违反法律的;
4. 一项宣布表示州议会议长禁止上述6名州议员出席州议会长达12个月,是违反霹雳州宪法、议会常以及立法议会(特权)法令或其他相关法律,所以是不合法以及被撤销;
5. 一项宣布表示州议会议长禁止6名州议员出席州议会开会12个月的做法是违反法律的;
6. 一项宣布表示州议会并没有受到州议会议长禁止拿督赞比里以及6名州议员进入州议会开会的决定所约束;
7. 一项宣布表示州议会并没有受到州议会议长在2009年2月17日所作出或有关的任何指示、谕令所约束;
8. 2009年3月3日的州议会是不合法的。
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Pre-07.05.2009: Police's harrassment...
The Police went to YB Thomas Su (Pasir Pinji), YB Drs Idham Lim (Titi Serong) and YB Sivasubramaniam (Buntong) house today. They were seen in uniform and taking photos from outside the house.
What are their purposes in doing so? To cause certain inconvenience and harrassment to us or to make us distracted before 07.05.2009? Don’t they have some other better things to do?
What are their purposes in doing so? To cause certain inconvenience and harrassment to us or to make us distracted before 07.05.2009? Don’t they have some other better things to do?
Friday, May 1, 2009
PA ADUN Kuala Kurau Diserang
GEMPAR ! Terkini jam 10.00 PM : PA ADUN Kuala Kurau diserang orang tidak dikenali dengan corta dan parang
KUALA KURAU : Pegawai Khas (PA) ADUN (PKR) Kuala Kurau, Sdr. Adnan (gambar) telah diserang oleh sekumpulan lelaki berkenderaan 3 buah kereta dengan senjata cotra dan parang di kedai makan di hadapan Pejabat ADUN di sini malam ini.Pada jam 9.38 tadi saya menerima berita dari satu SMS yang dikirim oleh seorang ahli PAS Tanjung Piandang yang berada ditempat kejadian. Pengesahan juga saya perolihi dari ADUN Kuala Kurau, Abdul Yunus Jamhari sebentar tadi.Dari maklumat awal yang diperolihi pihak kami masih tidak dapat mengenal pasti motif serangan tersebut.Selain itu maklumat yang disampaikan sebentar tadi memaklumkan mangsa dapat diselamatkan dan diletakkan ditempat yang dirahsiakan . Kecederaan masih belum dikenal pasti setakat ini.
KUALA KURAU : Pegawai Khas (PA) ADUN (PKR) Kuala Kurau, Sdr. Adnan (gambar) telah diserang oleh sekumpulan lelaki berkenderaan 3 buah kereta dengan senjata cotra dan parang di kedai makan di hadapan Pejabat ADUN di sini malam ini.Pada jam 9.38 tadi saya menerima berita dari satu SMS yang dikirim oleh seorang ahli PAS Tanjung Piandang yang berada ditempat kejadian. Pengesahan juga saya perolihi dari ADUN Kuala Kurau, Abdul Yunus Jamhari sebentar tadi.Dari maklumat awal yang diperolihi pihak kami masih tidak dapat mengenal pasti motif serangan tersebut.Selain itu maklumat yang disampaikan sebentar tadi memaklumkan mangsa dapat diselamatkan dan diletakkan ditempat yang dirahsiakan . Kecederaan masih belum dikenal pasti setakat ini.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Court to hear on 5th and 6th on who is the rightful MB
The Federal Court had heard the application by Zambry for his “fast-track” application on who is the rightful MB in Perak.
The 5 judges-panel had allowed Nizar’s preliminary Objection this morning and dismissed Zambry's application. The matter had been earlier fixed for Hearing on 5th and 6th May 2009 by the KL High Court to determine who is the rightful MB in Perak.
Although the matter is now lying in the hands of the Court, the Pakatan never intended for the Court to pronounce Nizar as the rightful MB in Perak. What we were fighting for since 5th February 2009 is simple – the Rakyat should be given the chance to re-elect their State Government of their choice. All parties shall return the mandate to the Rakyat. It should be the Rakyat’s choice, and not Pakatan’s, Barisan’s, Palace’s or the Court’s choice.
The 5 judges-panel had allowed Nizar’s preliminary Objection this morning and dismissed Zambry's application. The matter had been earlier fixed for Hearing on 5th and 6th May 2009 by the KL High Court to determine who is the rightful MB in Perak.
Although the matter is now lying in the hands of the Court, the Pakatan never intended for the Court to pronounce Nizar as the rightful MB in Perak. What we were fighting for since 5th February 2009 is simple – the Rakyat should be given the chance to re-elect their State Government of their choice. All parties shall return the mandate to the Rakyat. It should be the Rakyat’s choice, and not Pakatan’s, Barisan’s, Palace’s or the Court’s choice.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Martin Luther King Jr. : I have a Dream
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Canning Blog is back!
Dear Friends,
Canning’s blog is back with this new look. The site was encountering some problems which I couldn’t identify as I am not an IT savvy person.
The Blog with additional features now will bear the address of
It is still yet to be certain how long this site will be maintained, as I am now trying to move all the particulars to my new web-site which is still under construction.
Pass on to others.
Thank you.
Kah Woh
Canning’s blog is back with this new look. The site was encountering some problems which I couldn’t identify as I am not an IT savvy person.
The Blog with additional features now will bear the address of
It is still yet to be certain how long this site will be maintained, as I am now trying to move all the particulars to my new web-site which is still under construction.
Pass on to others.
Thank you.
Kah Woh
Monday, April 13, 2009
DAP Public Forum
Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP)
Forum Perdana:
Najib, 1 Malaysia, 2 Bukit Tsunami
Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP)
Forum Perdana:
Najib, 1 Malaysia, 2 Bukit Tsunami
日期 : 14-04-2009 (星期二)
Tarikh : 14-04-2009 (Selasa)
时间 : 傍晚7时
Masa : Pukul 7 ptg
地点 : 怡保精武礼堂
Tempat : Dewan Chin Woo (Ipoh)
主讲人 : 拿督斯里尼查、林吉祥、古拉、倪可汉、倪可敏等人
Ahli Panel : Dato’ Seri Ir Hj Mohd Nizar bin Jamaluddin, Lim Kit Siang, M Kula,
Ngeh Koo Ham, Nga Kor Ming dan lain-lain
询问/ Pertanyaan : 05-2531532 / 016-2090545 (En. See)
Zambry and its junta vs Speaker Dewan 2...
The Federal Court had started to hear the application from Zambry and its junta for a declaration that the decision of the Speaker to suspend them from the Dewan is invalid.
The Counsels for the Speaker had raised certain objections, inter alia, that the action is procedurally flaw in the sense that it should have been by way of a judicial review.
The matter is fixed on tomorrow for Decision on this particular issue.
Interestingly, the Counsel for Zambry and its junta had admitted in their submission that the Court cannot give an order to compel or force the Speaker to act in accordance with the Court order.
The Pakatan Rakyat never intend for the Court to rule that PR is the rightful government in Perak and as such we shall continue to rule the State. No. We are only asking for the Assembly be dissolved, and the mandate of the Rakyat be returned to those they are due.
Why can’t Zambry and its junta just respect the People’s choice and the People’s voices by dissolving the Assembly?
The Counsels for the Speaker had raised certain objections, inter alia, that the action is procedurally flaw in the sense that it should have been by way of a judicial review.
The matter is fixed on tomorrow for Decision on this particular issue.
Interestingly, the Counsel for Zambry and its junta had admitted in their submission that the Court cannot give an order to compel or force the Speaker to act in accordance with the Court order.
The Pakatan Rakyat never intend for the Court to rule that PR is the rightful government in Perak and as such we shall continue to rule the State. No. We are only asking for the Assembly be dissolved, and the mandate of the Rakyat be returned to those they are due.
Why can’t Zambry and its junta just respect the People’s choice and the People’s voices by dissolving the Assembly?
LKS's statement on "1 Malaysia = Ketuanan Melayu"
Lim Kit Siang
The interview given by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin in Mingguan Malaysia yesterday “Kuasa penentu Melayu hilang jika terus berpecah” may be appropriate coming from the Umno Deputy President but clearly unsuitable, most shocking and even offensive coming from the Deputy Prime Minister of a plural Malaysia after more than half-a-century of nation-building and national unity efforts.
The following Q & A is one good example:
Q. Tetapi bukankah setiap kali pilihan raya kecil, permintaan kaum bukan Melayu dipenuhi, malah di Bukit Gantang walaupun peruntukan RM1juta diberikan tetapi kaum Cina tidak juga menyokong BN?
MUHYIDDIN: Ya, kadang-kadang kita berasa terpedaya juga kerana zahirnya nampak macam ‘ok’, sambutan dengan tepukan gemuruh tetapi mungkin sudah ada tertanam dalam hati iaitu sesuatu tidak mudah hendak berubah, pokoknya masalah isu Perak terutamanya di kalangan masyarakat Cina yang mungkin telah dipengaruhi dengan sentimen simpati kepada Datuk Seri Ir.Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin, kononnya dia ‘dijatuhkan’, lepas itu kononnya dasar memberi pegangan tanah selama 99 tahun dilihat dasar yang menguntungkan.
Ini yang mungkin menyebabkan sukar BN mendapat sokongan walaupun kita fikir bila mereka hendak sekolah Cina dibantu, kita bantu, sepatutnya mereka membalas budi. Pada waktu itu, kita pun tidak berharap sokongan kaum Cina akan meningkat 40 peratus dan sebagainya cuma kita berharap ada peningkatan sedikit tetapi apa yang berlaku ia mencatatkan penurunan, macam tidak ada penghargaan terhadap apa yang kita lakukan.
Oleh itu kita kena kaji psikologi apa yang menyebabkan masyarakat Cina tidak bersedia untuk berubah, pada zaman dahulu tidak begitu.
Persoalannya apakah mereka melihat dalam konteks senario politik baru ini, selepas kerajaan BN tumbang di lima buah negeri, mereka sudah menjadi kuasa penentu? Orang Cina rasa sekarang, walaupun mereka kumpulan minoriti, merekalah menentukan kerana kelompok masyarakat Melayu sudah berpecah tiga kumpulan. Masyarakat Cina tidak berpecah mereka bersatu, setidak-tidaknya dari segi semangat apabila bersama-sama membuat sesuatu keputusan.
Dalam keadaan ini, mereka boleh menentukan keputusan sesuatu pilihan raya dan apabila kesan itu dapat dilihat dalam pilihan raya umum lalu dan beberapa pilihan raya kecil, mereka fikir sekarang mereka lebih ada kuasa penentu, bukan sahaja Cina malah masyarakat India pun begitu, apa tah lagi apabila mendapat kedudukan dalam kerajaan yang ditubuhkan pakatan pembangkang dengan menjadi Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Speaker dan exco kerajaan negeri, jadi ini bagi mereka seolah-olah tawaran yang diberikan oleh pihak sana lebih baik daripada kita pernah tawarkan dalam konteks BN, jadi ini kita harus teliti.
Muhyiddin’s interview has been carried in the Chinese newspapers today, with headlines like “Muhyiddin – Chinese ungrateful to BN” (Sin Chew); “Chinese fooled Barisan Nasional. Muhyiddin – Get benefits but do not vote in support” (Nanyang); “BN feels tricked. Muhyiddin - Satisfy Chinese demands still no support” (China Press)
It is most shocking that 52 years after national independence, the No. 2 in the federal government of a multi-racial nation could come out with such retrogressive and most unacceptable views about Malaysian democracy and nation building.
Firstly, Muhyiddin has confirmed that the Barisan Nasional is guilty of money politics in elections, using public funds especially in the form of development projects as baits to get support from the voters.
This explains Muhyiddin’s complaint about the Chinese being “ungrateful” and the BN being “duped” by the Chinese in getting various “benefits” without reciprocating by giving votes to the Barisan Nasional in the Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by-elections.
The simple response to such a reactionary view is that the voters are only getting what belong to them as of right as Malaysian citizens when Barisan Nasional went around to distribute “instant noodle” development projects, and there is no question of the voters having to feel “grateful” to the Barisan Nasional as the monies do not come from the private pockets of the Barisan Nasional leaders but the public coffers of the government.
The voters of Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau did not “dupe” the Barisan Nasional; if any, it is the Umno and Barisan Nasional which had duped the voters for 52 years!
Secondly, Muhyiddin was being very mischievous in claiming that the Chinese and even Indians in Malaysia want to be “kingmakers” in Malaysia at the expense of the Malays in the new political landscape.
Is this what Najib meant by his “1Malaysia” slogan?
Are the views propounded by Muhyiddin represent the position of Senator Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, who has been appointed the Minister not only for KPIs (key performance index) for Ministers but also for Najib’s slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now”? What are the position of the MCA,MIC and non-Umno Ministers in the new Najib Cabinet?
The Chinese and Indians are not and do not want to be the political kingmakers in Malaysia. Such a concept is most irresponsible and even dangerous and should not be encouraged.
What we want to see is the full, free and fair functioning of the system of parliamentary democracy in Malaysia where the kingmakers will be the Malaysian voters – Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Kadazans, Orang Asli and all other Malaysians.
Thirdly, it is clear from Muhyiddin’s interview that he is still propounding the concept of Ketuanan Melayu (a camouflage for Ketuanan Umnoputras) when after 52 years since Merdeka, the time has come for Ketuanan rakyat Malaysia!
It is also clear that the Umno leadership has not learnt the lessons from the March 8 political tsunami last year as well as the four by-elections of Permatang Pauh, Kuala Terengganu, Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by-elections in the past eight months that Umno and Barisan Nasional have become politically irrelevant and that Malaysians, regardless of race or religion want to be kingmakers to effect a major political change in the next general elections.
Muhyiddin’s retrogressive interview has raised the question as to what is the real meaning of Najib’s “1Malaysia”.
If it rejects DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia, Gerakan’s Malaysian Malaysia, even the Bangsa Malysia concept of Vision 2020, what does Najib’s “1Malaysia” really mean?
The first task of the Najib Cabinet at its first meeting on Wednesday is to define clearly the meaning of the Najib’s “1Malaysia” slogan to ensure that it is a motto of unity and not of division.
The first task of Tsu Koon as the Minister for “1Malaysia” is to ask Muhyiddin to make a public apology for a most divisive interview which has given “1Malaysia” a bad name
The following Q & A is one good example:
Q. Tetapi bukankah setiap kali pilihan raya kecil, permintaan kaum bukan Melayu dipenuhi, malah di Bukit Gantang walaupun peruntukan RM1juta diberikan tetapi kaum Cina tidak juga menyokong BN?
MUHYIDDIN: Ya, kadang-kadang kita berasa terpedaya juga kerana zahirnya nampak macam ‘ok’, sambutan dengan tepukan gemuruh tetapi mungkin sudah ada tertanam dalam hati iaitu sesuatu tidak mudah hendak berubah, pokoknya masalah isu Perak terutamanya di kalangan masyarakat Cina yang mungkin telah dipengaruhi dengan sentimen simpati kepada Datuk Seri Ir.Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin, kononnya dia ‘dijatuhkan’, lepas itu kononnya dasar memberi pegangan tanah selama 99 tahun dilihat dasar yang menguntungkan.
Ini yang mungkin menyebabkan sukar BN mendapat sokongan walaupun kita fikir bila mereka hendak sekolah Cina dibantu, kita bantu, sepatutnya mereka membalas budi. Pada waktu itu, kita pun tidak berharap sokongan kaum Cina akan meningkat 40 peratus dan sebagainya cuma kita berharap ada peningkatan sedikit tetapi apa yang berlaku ia mencatatkan penurunan, macam tidak ada penghargaan terhadap apa yang kita lakukan.
Oleh itu kita kena kaji psikologi apa yang menyebabkan masyarakat Cina tidak bersedia untuk berubah, pada zaman dahulu tidak begitu.
Persoalannya apakah mereka melihat dalam konteks senario politik baru ini, selepas kerajaan BN tumbang di lima buah negeri, mereka sudah menjadi kuasa penentu? Orang Cina rasa sekarang, walaupun mereka kumpulan minoriti, merekalah menentukan kerana kelompok masyarakat Melayu sudah berpecah tiga kumpulan. Masyarakat Cina tidak berpecah mereka bersatu, setidak-tidaknya dari segi semangat apabila bersama-sama membuat sesuatu keputusan.
Dalam keadaan ini, mereka boleh menentukan keputusan sesuatu pilihan raya dan apabila kesan itu dapat dilihat dalam pilihan raya umum lalu dan beberapa pilihan raya kecil, mereka fikir sekarang mereka lebih ada kuasa penentu, bukan sahaja Cina malah masyarakat India pun begitu, apa tah lagi apabila mendapat kedudukan dalam kerajaan yang ditubuhkan pakatan pembangkang dengan menjadi Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Speaker dan exco kerajaan negeri, jadi ini bagi mereka seolah-olah tawaran yang diberikan oleh pihak sana lebih baik daripada kita pernah tawarkan dalam konteks BN, jadi ini kita harus teliti.
Muhyiddin’s interview has been carried in the Chinese newspapers today, with headlines like “Muhyiddin – Chinese ungrateful to BN” (Sin Chew); “Chinese fooled Barisan Nasional. Muhyiddin – Get benefits but do not vote in support” (Nanyang); “BN feels tricked. Muhyiddin - Satisfy Chinese demands still no support” (China Press)
It is most shocking that 52 years after national independence, the No. 2 in the federal government of a multi-racial nation could come out with such retrogressive and most unacceptable views about Malaysian democracy and nation building.
Firstly, Muhyiddin has confirmed that the Barisan Nasional is guilty of money politics in elections, using public funds especially in the form of development projects as baits to get support from the voters.
This explains Muhyiddin’s complaint about the Chinese being “ungrateful” and the BN being “duped” by the Chinese in getting various “benefits” without reciprocating by giving votes to the Barisan Nasional in the Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by-elections.
The simple response to such a reactionary view is that the voters are only getting what belong to them as of right as Malaysian citizens when Barisan Nasional went around to distribute “instant noodle” development projects, and there is no question of the voters having to feel “grateful” to the Barisan Nasional as the monies do not come from the private pockets of the Barisan Nasional leaders but the public coffers of the government.
The voters of Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau did not “dupe” the Barisan Nasional; if any, it is the Umno and Barisan Nasional which had duped the voters for 52 years!
Secondly, Muhyiddin was being very mischievous in claiming that the Chinese and even Indians in Malaysia want to be “kingmakers” in Malaysia at the expense of the Malays in the new political landscape.
Is this what Najib meant by his “1Malaysia” slogan?
Are the views propounded by Muhyiddin represent the position of Senator Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, who has been appointed the Minister not only for KPIs (key performance index) for Ministers but also for Najib’s slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now”? What are the position of the MCA,MIC and non-Umno Ministers in the new Najib Cabinet?
The Chinese and Indians are not and do not want to be the political kingmakers in Malaysia. Such a concept is most irresponsible and even dangerous and should not be encouraged.
What we want to see is the full, free and fair functioning of the system of parliamentary democracy in Malaysia where the kingmakers will be the Malaysian voters – Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Kadazans, Orang Asli and all other Malaysians.
Thirdly, it is clear from Muhyiddin’s interview that he is still propounding the concept of Ketuanan Melayu (a camouflage for Ketuanan Umnoputras) when after 52 years since Merdeka, the time has come for Ketuanan rakyat Malaysia!
It is also clear that the Umno leadership has not learnt the lessons from the March 8 political tsunami last year as well as the four by-elections of Permatang Pauh, Kuala Terengganu, Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by-elections in the past eight months that Umno and Barisan Nasional have become politically irrelevant and that Malaysians, regardless of race or religion want to be kingmakers to effect a major political change in the next general elections.
Muhyiddin’s retrogressive interview has raised the question as to what is the real meaning of Najib’s “1Malaysia”.
If it rejects DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia, Gerakan’s Malaysian Malaysia, even the Bangsa Malysia concept of Vision 2020, what does Najib’s “1Malaysia” really mean?
The first task of the Najib Cabinet at its first meeting on Wednesday is to define clearly the meaning of the Najib’s “1Malaysia” slogan to ensure that it is a motto of unity and not of division.
The first task of Tsu Koon as the Minister for “1Malaysia” is to ask Muhyiddin to make a public apology for a most divisive interview which has given “1Malaysia” a bad name
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Zambry and its junta vs Speaker Dewan...
The Federal Court will start their Hearing on Zambry & 6 Others against Speaker. This case is very important in the sense that Barisan Nasional may finally opt for dissolution of the Dewan if the Federal Court rules they have no jurisdiction to interfere into the Speaker’s decision.
In normal circumstances and practice, the Court is reluctant to interfere into the Legislative’s decision as in a lot of Judgments the Court did indicate that even though they are sympathy on one particular party, their hands are tight as they are in no position to change the position of law as set down by the legislative body. The Judiciary merely interprets the law and they are not the law-maker.
The law is clear and the division of power in a democracy system ought to be upheld. It will set a very bad precedent in the event the Judiciary chooses to interfere into the Legislative’s power.
In normal circumstances and practice, the Court is reluctant to interfere into the Legislative’s decision as in a lot of Judgments the Court did indicate that even though they are sympathy on one particular party, their hands are tight as they are in no position to change the position of law as set down by the legislative body. The Judiciary merely interprets the law and they are not the law-maker.
The law is clear and the division of power in a democracy system ought to be upheld. It will set a very bad precedent in the event the Judiciary chooses to interfere into the Legislative’s power.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Interesting Article from Malaysiainsider on Samy Vellu...
Embattled MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, whose wish to return to the Cabinet was rejected by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, is playing his final gambit by threatening to withdraw the sole MIC minister.
The Malaysian Insider understands Samy Vellu has little support except from party vice-president S. Sothinathan in this gambit which was sparked after Najib rejected all hints last week to make Samy Vellu a senator and put him back into the Cabinet as works minister.
The Malaysian Insider understands Samy Vellu has little support except from party vice-president S. Sothinathan in this gambit which was sparked after Najib rejected all hints last week to make Samy Vellu a senator and put him back into the Cabinet as works minister.
Samy Vellu complained to his supporters that if Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon could be made a senator and minister, he should have been accorded the same privilege.
Samy Vellu complained to his supporters that if Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon could be made a senator and minister, he should have been accorded the same privilege.
Samy Vellu is also unhappy that Selangor Gerakan chief A. Kohilan Pillay has been made a deputy foreign minister, a high-profile post for an Indian.
He feels it should have been given to one of his nominees.
After failing to get himself re-appointed, Samy Vellu tried to propose two additional deputy ministers posts for Sothinathan and Senator Loga Chitrakalla, according to MIC sources.
Weekend programmes..
I will be going to Bercham for a DAP Bercham Dinner shortly. Tomorrow will have to go to Malim Nawar for our Party Dinner too... :-D
Some clarificationss...
I would like to express my thanks to all of you who have posted comments on the Telco issue which was posted by me last week.
I think there is a need to have certain clarifications here as the previous post seems to be vague in certain areas.
On Nga Kor Ming being the EXCO in charge of Local Government...
I never said that he is useless (as posted by Anonymous). It is also untrue to say that “If you have a problem within your party sort it out internally and not blame the exco.” I am only looking at the matter and finding ways to solve it. I fully concur with Defender of PKT that “Anak ipoh and anonymous, i totally disagree with your comments. How can you blame the PKT's Perak EXCO on local authority for having taking so many other portfolios.”
I also fully agree wih Frustrated in Canning who posted that “What's wrong with having an EXCO who is willing and had actually sacrified so much his time and effort by assuming so many portfolios. Nobody say is easy but i must say the EXCO on local authority has done a tremendous job taking into consideration that he is also an MP. Just look at the number of portfolios he has to handle... Yet he still have time and brain to settle the telco issue by making the state richer by imposing million ringgit fine. As the old saying goes "one stone kill two birds".”
Just don’t get me wrong, the State EXCO i mentioned in the previous post was not referring to Kor Ming.
As i always stress, it is no wrong for someone to take on more portfolios than others if he or she is willing and able to do the work. What kor ming did in the past 10 months have proven that he can take up the task.
For the purpose of clarification, in fact, the issue of illegal telco was subsequently (after the announcement of RM3,000.00 fine per towers by Sdr. Nga) passed on to another EXCO whose portfolios overlaps with the portfolio of Local Government.
RM3,000.00 fine imposed on each illegal Telco...
On the RM3,000.00 fine imposed, as stated in my previous post, from experience and also my personal view, it is never sufficient. My comrade in Kepayang, YB Loke Chee Yen had once dealt with an illegal Telco in his constituency whereby the Company in charge told him they can easily pay the RM3,000.00 fine as it is a very small amount to them.
For me, the only way to stop their (Telcos) arrogance is to impose daily fine and to take drastic action to pull down the illegal towers if there is non-compliance of the Local Authority Order. We can impose it to the “illegal” restaurant traders and pig farmers, why not on Telcos...
One Stop Centre at MBI...
Anak Ipoh had rightly pointed out the issue of One-Stop-Centre (OSC). Anak Ipoh said:” The simple truth is that erection of telco is under the jurisdiction of local authority. So who sit in the local authority? Apart from the obvious scapegoat viz. dato bandar himself, it is the councillors themselves. So before, we go blaming all the PKT EXCOs to MB, perhaps YB care to share with us who are the councillors who sit in "One Stop Centre"??? I sincerely hope that no one of them is from Canning.”
One of the Councillors sitting in the OSC is Clr. Liu Ten Tui, who is in charge of Kg Simee, Ipoh Gardens and Canning. I have informed Clr. Liu of certain illegal towers in the constituency which can never be approved without the consent of the Residents. The appplications that were eventually declined include the one in Taman Canning and the other in Kg. Simee.
Indeed i am so lucky to have my Councillor sitting in the OSC otherwise the towers in my constituency will be approved easily.
However, as Clr. Liu reverted to me, he was facing pressure even from the officers sitting in the OSC (although that should not be the case). I’d even go as far as saying that he was in effect, receiving hostile questioning on his reasons for turning down the applications since the MCMC had approved it and they are in compliance of the regulations! (seem they may have forgotten the protest by the Residents and treated OSC as a Rubber Stamp which Clr. Liu and myself will never let it be the way)
I don’t believe in apportioning blame on others for what they have or have not done as for those who knows me, it is not my style. In this case, we need the full and unreserved backing of the state govenrment who will be forming the cardinal policies behind certain issue (including this one, Telco.), in order for us, the elected representative and the appointed councillors, to fully deliver what the people want and need.
Flood in Canning etc...
This is another equally important and serious problem in the constituency apart from Telco which the residents are having nightmare just like those sleeping beside the building with a Telco's erected. Clr. Liu and myself are aware of the issues and are constantly looking for solutions over that. We are not technical people but we are lucky enough to have one resident of Ipoh Garden, Mr. Lee helping us.
During rainy days, we have aken surveying filed trips through affected areas, ie along Ipoh Garden East, Ipoh Garden South, Ipoh Garden and Canning Garden and see how the water flows. The water flows from these areas along Sg Senam and towards Fair Park. By doing this we discovered that the culverts at Fair Park’s were too small to accomodate the water volume and you can see the water level from left side of the culvert (at Fair Park-Ipoh GH’s junction) are of the same level with the road surface. There is a need to widen it.
JPS knows about it but claims they do not have enough funds. We found it ridiculous. I have then made a request to Ngeh (who is the EXCO in charge of JPS) and he has in principal agreed that this Project shall be one of the Project to benefit from the Supplementary Bill of RM22.5 million for flood elevation programmes in 2009 which was supposed to be presented in this April Dewan’s sitting but for the unfortunate political events taken place.
I think there is a need to have certain clarifications here as the previous post seems to be vague in certain areas.
On Nga Kor Ming being the EXCO in charge of Local Government...
I never said that he is useless (as posted by Anonymous). It is also untrue to say that “If you have a problem within your party sort it out internally and not blame the exco.” I am only looking at the matter and finding ways to solve it. I fully concur with Defender of PKT that “Anak ipoh and anonymous, i totally disagree with your comments. How can you blame the PKT's Perak EXCO on local authority for having taking so many other portfolios.”
I also fully agree wih Frustrated in Canning who posted that “What's wrong with having an EXCO who is willing and had actually sacrified so much his time and effort by assuming so many portfolios. Nobody say is easy but i must say the EXCO on local authority has done a tremendous job taking into consideration that he is also an MP. Just look at the number of portfolios he has to handle... Yet he still have time and brain to settle the telco issue by making the state richer by imposing million ringgit fine. As the old saying goes "one stone kill two birds".”
Just don’t get me wrong, the State EXCO i mentioned in the previous post was not referring to Kor Ming.
As i always stress, it is no wrong for someone to take on more portfolios than others if he or she is willing and able to do the work. What kor ming did in the past 10 months have proven that he can take up the task.
For the purpose of clarification, in fact, the issue of illegal telco was subsequently (after the announcement of RM3,000.00 fine per towers by Sdr. Nga) passed on to another EXCO whose portfolios overlaps with the portfolio of Local Government.
RM3,000.00 fine imposed on each illegal Telco...
On the RM3,000.00 fine imposed, as stated in my previous post, from experience and also my personal view, it is never sufficient. My comrade in Kepayang, YB Loke Chee Yen had once dealt with an illegal Telco in his constituency whereby the Company in charge told him they can easily pay the RM3,000.00 fine as it is a very small amount to them.
For me, the only way to stop their (Telcos) arrogance is to impose daily fine and to take drastic action to pull down the illegal towers if there is non-compliance of the Local Authority Order. We can impose it to the “illegal” restaurant traders and pig farmers, why not on Telcos...
One Stop Centre at MBI...
Anak Ipoh had rightly pointed out the issue of One-Stop-Centre (OSC). Anak Ipoh said:” The simple truth is that erection of telco is under the jurisdiction of local authority. So who sit in the local authority? Apart from the obvious scapegoat viz. dato bandar himself, it is the councillors themselves. So before, we go blaming all the PKT EXCOs to MB, perhaps YB care to share with us who are the councillors who sit in "One Stop Centre"??? I sincerely hope that no one of them is from Canning.”
One of the Councillors sitting in the OSC is Clr. Liu Ten Tui, who is in charge of Kg Simee, Ipoh Gardens and Canning. I have informed Clr. Liu of certain illegal towers in the constituency which can never be approved without the consent of the Residents. The appplications that were eventually declined include the one in Taman Canning and the other in Kg. Simee.
Indeed i am so lucky to have my Councillor sitting in the OSC otherwise the towers in my constituency will be approved easily.
However, as Clr. Liu reverted to me, he was facing pressure even from the officers sitting in the OSC (although that should not be the case). I’d even go as far as saying that he was in effect, receiving hostile questioning on his reasons for turning down the applications since the MCMC had approved it and they are in compliance of the regulations! (seem they may have forgotten the protest by the Residents and treated OSC as a Rubber Stamp which Clr. Liu and myself will never let it be the way)
I don’t believe in apportioning blame on others for what they have or have not done as for those who knows me, it is not my style. In this case, we need the full and unreserved backing of the state govenrment who will be forming the cardinal policies behind certain issue (including this one, Telco.), in order for us, the elected representative and the appointed councillors, to fully deliver what the people want and need.
Flood in Canning etc...
This is another equally important and serious problem in the constituency apart from Telco which the residents are having nightmare just like those sleeping beside the building with a Telco's erected. Clr. Liu and myself are aware of the issues and are constantly looking for solutions over that. We are not technical people but we are lucky enough to have one resident of Ipoh Garden, Mr. Lee helping us.
During rainy days, we have aken surveying filed trips through affected areas, ie along Ipoh Garden East, Ipoh Garden South, Ipoh Garden and Canning Garden and see how the water flows. The water flows from these areas along Sg Senam and towards Fair Park. By doing this we discovered that the culverts at Fair Park’s were too small to accomodate the water volume and you can see the water level from left side of the culvert (at Fair Park-Ipoh GH’s junction) are of the same level with the road surface. There is a need to widen it.
JPS knows about it but claims they do not have enough funds. We found it ridiculous. I have then made a request to Ngeh (who is the EXCO in charge of JPS) and he has in principal agreed that this Project shall be one of the Project to benefit from the Supplementary Bill of RM22.5 million for flood elevation programmes in 2009 which was supposed to be presented in this April Dewan’s sitting but for the unfortunate political events taken place.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Quran: My experience during university days...

The Perak CPO Zulklifli confirmed that the police had received three (3) police reports against Sdr Nga regarding the same issue. The police are currently investigating the matter under Section 298 of the Penal Code and will be calling him for statements.
Section 298 of the Penal Code says “298. Uttering words, etc. with deliberate intent to wound the religious feelings of any person. Whoever with deliberate intention of wounding the religious feelings of any person, utter any word or makes any sound in the hearing of that person, or makes any gesture in the sight of that person, or places any object in the sight of that person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.”
I am wondering what basis of defence Barisan Nasional, UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, MIC etc are going to adopt in case they firmly deny that the police reporting were perpetuated by them.
I attended International Islamic University Malaysia for 4 years. For the first 3 years (6 Semesters), it was a requirement for the students to enrol in at least 2 Islamic Law courses each semester; starting with Islamic Legal System in the First year and ended with Islamic Jurisprudence in the Third year. Furthermore, we were also required to complete 4 authentic courses of Islamic studies. In total, at least one third of the course requirement to obtain a Law Degree at the University pertained to Islamic Studies.
The Quran is the highest source of Syariah law, followed by the Sunnah of the Prophet. There is virtually impossible to neither understand nor study Syariah Law without the Holy Quran.
I bought my copy of the Holy Quran (Arabic-English) since the First day of my law study. I learned Arabic (the language for the original Quran transcript) during my first 2 semesters. As part of the process, we had to study the Holy Quran. In addition, we had to understand it, memorize and quote it as authority when completing our submissions or examinations for syariah laws. Sometimes you will get additional appraisals from your lecturer or ustaz if you manage to quote the Quranic verses in Arabic.
What is the matter with those who lodged the reports against Sdr. Nga? What offence has Nga committed? If the police decide that there is indeed a case against Nga, does that translate to, we, the International Islamic University Malaysia’s non-Muslim students had committed a crime? Were we then “forced” to carry out wrongdoing during our studies?
As far as my understanding of Islam and the Quran, it never intends to stop someone from uttering or invoking its teachings.
I sent a sms to my police friend who happens to be one of my classmates during my days at the university, whom had asked for Nga’s phone number for the police to conduct an investigation. The sms sounds: “Uncle, sila bagi tahu i.o., itu kes sebut Quran sia-sia punya. Kita kan tiap hari pegang, baca n hafal Quran masa uni days? ...”
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Extract from Malaysiainsider
Since Umno enacted the Perak crisis, the party has been continuously accusing Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin as being a traitor.
It goes without saying that hitherto Umno has never been able to come up with any evidence to back up this wild allegation. It solely relies on a surmise and conjecture. Of course Umno is good — no, excellent at manufacturing lies.
The end justifies the means has been the basic tenet of Umno’s politics. Thus winning at all cost was the sole end of Umno’s struggle in Bukit Gantang. The traitor’s issue had dominated the Bukit Gantang by-election. In fact that was the only issue left for Umno. The traitor’s issue was meant for voters in Saluran 3 — the old folks who live in this world believing that the only political party that exists on this planet is Umno.
Armed with arsenals of evidence at its disposal, Pakatan Rakyat ably adduces compelling evidence to rebut Umno’s unfounded allegation against Nizar. Knowing very well of Umno’s political game, the PR machinery led by PAS put counter arguments by producing a plethora of statements made by Umno leaders on this very derhaka issue. The evidence showed beyond any shadow of doubt that Umno has been the traitor par excellence.
When the PR machinery started churning out paper cuttings from the Umno-controlled newspapers, Umno leaders reluctantly conceded that they were being mercilessly slaughtered by PR’s efficient machinery. The more Umno spoke on the issue, the more evidence detrimental to it surfaced and haunted each and every Umno’s leaders. In one instance, Utusan, in executing Umno’s mischievous campaigns against the Sultan in 1993, carried the following startling caption viz “Ismail wajar turun takhta”. Ismail was referring to the Sultan of Kelantan.
Nizar’s now famous utterance i.e “Patik mohon sembah derhaka” was the only evidence Umno had as a basis to charge Nizar as a traitor. To even suggest such a statement qualified Nizar to be categorised as a traitor was completely naïve. Those were the proper words to address the King in the event you have disagreements with the former. In fact the phrase “patik mohon sembah derhaka” is the most respectful way of addressing the Sultan in such circumstances.
When Umno kept on playing those words to support its theory that Nizar was a traitor, the PR retaliated. PR made a counter attack by producing the damaging statement by Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik. In 1993 Rahim suggested that the people should drop the word “patik” in addressing the Sultan. Let's pause here. Let assume if Rahim was in Nizar’s shoes. No doubt in displaying his disagreements with the Sultan, one could expect the former chief minister of Malacca would address the Sultan with the following remark “Aku mohon sembah derhaka”.
Before Umno even fully recovered from the ailment of its own making, then came the decision of the Kuala Lumpur High Court on April 3, 2009. It was another salvo for Umno. On that date, the court, in granting leave to Nizar’s application for a judicial review against Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir, held that such an application was not frivolous. The court concurred with Nizar’s lawyers that he has passed the minimum threshold required in the leave application.
The judgment of the court simply means Nizar has able to establish an arguable case against Zambry. Nevertheless the judgment did not end there. It also contained something which caused irreparable damage to Umno in Bukit Gantang. The judgment was fully utilised by PR’s machinery to silence the Umno’s malevolent propaganda.
The judge declined to uphold the Attorney-General’s strenuous objection. The A-G vehemently protested Nizar’s application on the ground that Nizar was in fact challenging the decision of the Sultan. Rejecting the said argument, the learned High Court judge held that Nizar has every right to assert on what authority Zambry could say that he is the lawful mentri besar when Nizar claims himself as the legitimate mentri besar of Perak.
The judgment impliedly affirms that the writ of quo warranto is the proper remedy in this case. The writ of quo warranto allows Nizar to challenge the legal status of the appointee of the public office (i.e. Zambry in this case) without even bringing in and challenging the decision of the appointing authority (the Sultan of Perak).
The court also held that the issue of whether Nizar has ceased to enjoy the confidence of the majority of the state assemblymen needs to be established first before Zambry could mount an argument that he is the lawful MB.
The upshot of such a court’s decision is simply this. It is clear now that the allegation that Nizar was challenging the discretion of the Sultan is not an issue. Nizar has never challenged the decision of the Sultan. By not challenging the decision of the Sultan, it is equally loud and clear that Nizar has never been a traitor as maliciously claimed by Umno.
The Bukit Gantang by-election reaffirms that the people have changed but Umno has not.
It goes without saying that hitherto Umno has never been able to come up with any evidence to back up this wild allegation. It solely relies on a surmise and conjecture. Of course Umno is good — no, excellent at manufacturing lies.
The end justifies the means has been the basic tenet of Umno’s politics. Thus winning at all cost was the sole end of Umno’s struggle in Bukit Gantang. The traitor’s issue had dominated the Bukit Gantang by-election. In fact that was the only issue left for Umno. The traitor’s issue was meant for voters in Saluran 3 — the old folks who live in this world believing that the only political party that exists on this planet is Umno.
Armed with arsenals of evidence at its disposal, Pakatan Rakyat ably adduces compelling evidence to rebut Umno’s unfounded allegation against Nizar. Knowing very well of Umno’s political game, the PR machinery led by PAS put counter arguments by producing a plethora of statements made by Umno leaders on this very derhaka issue. The evidence showed beyond any shadow of doubt that Umno has been the traitor par excellence.
When the PR machinery started churning out paper cuttings from the Umno-controlled newspapers, Umno leaders reluctantly conceded that they were being mercilessly slaughtered by PR’s efficient machinery. The more Umno spoke on the issue, the more evidence detrimental to it surfaced and haunted each and every Umno’s leaders. In one instance, Utusan, in executing Umno’s mischievous campaigns against the Sultan in 1993, carried the following startling caption viz “Ismail wajar turun takhta”. Ismail was referring to the Sultan of Kelantan.
Nizar’s now famous utterance i.e “Patik mohon sembah derhaka” was the only evidence Umno had as a basis to charge Nizar as a traitor. To even suggest such a statement qualified Nizar to be categorised as a traitor was completely naïve. Those were the proper words to address the King in the event you have disagreements with the former. In fact the phrase “patik mohon sembah derhaka” is the most respectful way of addressing the Sultan in such circumstances.
When Umno kept on playing those words to support its theory that Nizar was a traitor, the PR retaliated. PR made a counter attack by producing the damaging statement by Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik. In 1993 Rahim suggested that the people should drop the word “patik” in addressing the Sultan. Let's pause here. Let assume if Rahim was in Nizar’s shoes. No doubt in displaying his disagreements with the Sultan, one could expect the former chief minister of Malacca would address the Sultan with the following remark “Aku mohon sembah derhaka”.
Before Umno even fully recovered from the ailment of its own making, then came the decision of the Kuala Lumpur High Court on April 3, 2009. It was another salvo for Umno. On that date, the court, in granting leave to Nizar’s application for a judicial review against Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir, held that such an application was not frivolous. The court concurred with Nizar’s lawyers that he has passed the minimum threshold required in the leave application.
The judgment of the court simply means Nizar has able to establish an arguable case against Zambry. Nevertheless the judgment did not end there. It also contained something which caused irreparable damage to Umno in Bukit Gantang. The judgment was fully utilised by PR’s machinery to silence the Umno’s malevolent propaganda.
The judge declined to uphold the Attorney-General’s strenuous objection. The A-G vehemently protested Nizar’s application on the ground that Nizar was in fact challenging the decision of the Sultan. Rejecting the said argument, the learned High Court judge held that Nizar has every right to assert on what authority Zambry could say that he is the lawful mentri besar when Nizar claims himself as the legitimate mentri besar of Perak.
The judgment impliedly affirms that the writ of quo warranto is the proper remedy in this case. The writ of quo warranto allows Nizar to challenge the legal status of the appointee of the public office (i.e. Zambry in this case) without even bringing in and challenging the decision of the appointing authority (the Sultan of Perak).
The court also held that the issue of whether Nizar has ceased to enjoy the confidence of the majority of the state assemblymen needs to be established first before Zambry could mount an argument that he is the lawful MB.
The upshot of such a court’s decision is simply this. It is clear now that the allegation that Nizar was challenging the discretion of the Sultan is not an issue. Nizar has never challenged the decision of the Sultan. By not challenging the decision of the Sultan, it is equally loud and clear that Nizar has never been a traitor as maliciously claimed by Umno.
The Bukit Gantang by-election reaffirms that the people have changed but Umno has not.
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