Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bukit Gantang: It is not an easy battle...

I was at Simpang PR-DAP ceramah yesterday with 300 people attending. The atmosphere is worrying in the sense that the Public are too confident of a Nizar’s victory while in fact that is not the case. Not to forget, Barisan is also having free dinners here and there to buy votes, more particularly there were 2 free dinners of 180 tables each just nearby our Ceramah yesterday.

The crowd attended our Ceramahs play a very important role. It is not only that they have to be convinced to vote for Pakatan-Nizar. They all must also help to convey message to the rest, to the fence sitters on how to ensure a Pakatan-Nizar’s victory.

Let’s start the war of phone calls and sms-es at Bukit Gantang. Call and text everyone you know in Bukit Gantang. Get all of them involve in this run for justice for the Perak People, come back, turn up and vote Pakatan-Nizar.

I will be there tonight, for Ceramahs in Simpang and Sepatang.
Apology to my constituents in Canning, i may be spending less time with all you you until after the by-election.


  1. As far as I know the Chinese are a clever race. I am sure their vote is for Nizar.
    Tell them how important their vote is this time around.
    A vote for BN is a vote for Najib - it that what they want?

  2. YB Wong,

    You are right - Pakatan should not go into this by election with the assumption that it's a walkover. BN, now with Najib at the helm, will unleash everything that they have. And I do mean everything. So expect the unexpected.

    Much have been said that the Bkt. Gantang by election is a popularity contest between Nizar/PR and Zambry/BN. It's an opportunity to "stick it back" at BN...where it hurts. But I say it should not only be about this.

    I would like to suggest that in the campaign trail Pakatan should also emphasize on helping the unemployed and also ways to tackle the ailing economy. Everyone is concerned about putting food on the table for his or her family and I think this will be on the voters' minds in Bukit Gantang (and also true for the whole state of Perak). BN will play this card to the fullest extend, promising huge federal aid if it wins. (I believe Zambry has already asked for federal money recently?)

    Good luck to Nizar and Pakatan. You continue to have my support.

    YB - It's ok for your rare absence during this period...in my book anyway. lol.

  3. Heard Dr M will be campaigning at Bkt Gantang as well on weekend.

    BTW..majority none-malays already pledge for Nizar. PAS now must fully concentrate of Malay community.

    Been telling ...why is it a crime for a PAS to assist needy /proverty none-malays? Why is it bad for PAS to work along with his comrades & none Malay for the good of the RAKyat & development?

    Why is the UMNO so against it..are they racist or against racial harmony?

    Cleary they are, in view of thier hatred for PAS working along well with None-Malay muslim.

  4. To add..

    Inform the chinese that UMNO been hating none-malay & has been against Nizar working along with the none Malay.
    UMNO also emphasis that they were annoyed having see Nizar giving out land ownership to the needy Chinese..let the hatred of UMNO begin.

  5. the battle in Bt Gantang is very important. i cant imagine the consequences of losing it..
    What worrying me is the amount of phantom voters.

  6. YB

    Tell the chinese in Bukit Gantang that that when that Old Horse visit Taman Kaya this sunday tell that Old Horse Enough Is Enough.


  7. I'm so much worried about PENGUNDI HANTU too.. if last times they did it well, this time they would do it even better to make sure they win.

    please pay more attention to this problem, plan well how to manage it. we'll pray from far for nizar's victory.
